Brown & White & Green

On this year’s Brown + White Day, we are excited to celebrate the grand opening of Park School’s new Kelly Field Turf dedicated to Lucky Mallonee ’62 and Barb Purkey, two longtime coaches (a combined 80+ years of devotion to Park School) and beloved mentors who have inspired countless Park student-athletes both on and off the field of play.
It was a wonderful all-school celebration! Thanks to all who could come be part of this special day. Here are some sounds and images from the day (be sure to scroll all the way down):
Turf Dedication from Park School on Vimeo.
From the dedication plaque:
LUCKY MALLONEE ’62 • PARK SCHOOL COACH/TEACHER SPANNING FIVE DECADES • Playing for Lucky, you always knew he was an extraordinary athlete. He is also a master motivator. You knew right away that he was wholly committed to inspiring the team and every player on it to reach their full potential. Lucky truly believes that if you give your best, you have achieved your goal. More often than not, he has a better understanding of what his players are capable of than they have themselves. He has a good sense of humor, but don’t incur his wrath! He makes you want to play hard. To receive his praise is a worthy goal and one that motivates many of his athletes. He instills the values that help you on the field and that you can carry throughout your life. He is your father, your brother, your friend, or your coach—depending on what you need. He makes you proud to be a Bruin and to play for Park School. He loves to win but understands that respect for the game—and for your opponent—comes first. Once you play for Lucky, you are one of his “boys” for life. He will cheer your successes, sympathize with your failures, and support you in whatever way he can.
—One of Lucky’s “boys”
From the dedication plaque:
BARB PURKEY • PARK SCHOOL COACH/ATHLETIC DIRECTOR FOR OVER THIRTY YEARS • Playing for Barb was one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Her passion was powerful and her message to her student-athletes transcended sport. She could impart the principles of hard work, best effort, and competitive play in fun and positive ways. Her integrity was second to none and she held her players to the same standard. While teaching us the skills of a sport, she managed to show us the real value of playing on a team: being part of something bigger than yourself, putting your needs second to the needs of the team, accomplishing goals that seemed unattainable by one but manageable with many. Barb’s words were compelling and her actions strong: she was opinionated and stood by her convictions. She instilled values of commitment, integrity, sportsmanship, and humor in all of us, helping us navigate the athletic field as well as the world outside. Barb fulfilled many roles for many Park students, and when I think about her, my heart warms.
—One of the many student-athletes for whom Barb was a mentor
Additional photos on Park’s Facebook page: