Library Announces 2013 Gordon Berman ’68 Lower School Resident Author
From The Park School Library: We are pleased to announce that this year’s Gordon Berman ’68 Lower School Resident Author is Laura Amy Schlitz (our own Newbery Award-winning Librarian). We are fortunate that Laura agreed to fulfill the role, and our benefactor Mildred Berman, who endowed the fund in honor of her son Gordon 29 years ago, is also thrilled about our choice for this Centennial year. Our formal program will take place Friday, May 17, but Laura has been active in the role of resident author since February.
A sampling of our Resident Author activities, as suggested by grade level teachers:
February 4 through May 20: Individual consultations with student writers who sign up to discuss their work with Laura.
April 25: Special introduction to monologues with fifth grades
May 7: Reading and conversation with second grades about Laura Schlitz’s Princess Cora, now being published by Candlewick
May 13: The Night Fairy, with third grades
First grade visit: Date TBD
Kindergarten: Individual classroom visits.
MAY 17: Lower School Resident Author Day
Grades 1-2 in the Library from 8:50 to 9:30
Grades 3-5 in the Theater from 10:00-10:45
Kindergarten to the library.
Lunch with Mildred Berman.
Book signings in the library from 2:00.
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