Park’s 2020-21 Mock Trial Team Featured in Baltimore Style Magazine
Park’s National Champion Mock Trial Team was featured in November’s issue of Baltimore Style magazine. The 2020-2021 Maryland State Champion Park School Mock Trial team was the first Maryland team in the 37-year history of Nationals to be approved to attend. Hosted, virtually, in Evansville, Indiana, the competition included 46 state champions. Park went 4-0 through the tournament and advanced to face the Iowa state champions in the final round.
The Baltimore Style article covers last year’s Mock Trial season and how Park’s team made it to the National Championship. It also explores what exactly Mock Trial is.
“It’s a very creative activity,” says Tony Asdourian, head coach at Park. “Our team never refers to it as a ‘mock’ trial. It’s like we’re in a real courtroom with real lawyers and real witnesses.”
Read the article HERE.
And read more about Park’s Mock Trial program HERE.
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