
Students at Park are expected to conduct themselves with regard for other members of the community and at a level of maturity appropriate to their age.

Principles of Conduct

To meet these standards, students must consider the rights of others, respect property, and appreciate the overall purposes of the school. Students should reference the following questions as guides to behavior:

Instances of racism, religious bigotry, sexual harassment, and other forms of discrimination (including electronic) are considered very serious offenses and cause for immediate disciplinary action. Instances where behavior off campus and/or outside of school hours negatively affects the learning environment at school are considered offenses against the community and will be treated as such. Students who are unable to balance freedom and responsibility may not be re-enrolled or, in extreme cases, may be asked to withdraw during the academic year.

Because we take seriously our obligation to provide useful, accurate information to colleges, it is our policy to notify them of any disciplinary actions resulting in suspension or withdrawal, whether they occurred before or after the student’s applying to college.  In any such case, this report will be included under separate cover.


Students are expected to maintain high standards of honesty in personal and social activities and in all aspects of their academic program. Students are expected to be scrupulous in acknowledging sources of information, in documenting research, and in indicating the degree and kind of assistance gained from others. 

For more information about Integrity, please see Academic Honesty.

Guidance and Advisory System

A faculty advisor is carefully chosen for each new student. The advisor is responsible for overseeing the student’s academic development, approving the student’s choice of courses, reviewing progress reports, and providing personal and academic support. The advisor is also the primary liaison with parents.


Most teachers give both daily and long-term assignments. Depending on the student’s academic program and pace of work, nightly homework can vary from two to four hours, with 45 minutes to one hour the standard per class.

Regular, prompt attendance at classes, assemblies, meetings, and activities is a fundamental responsibility. Excessive absences interfere with the learning process and, as such, the school expects that students will strive to keep absences to a minimum. Students who miss more than 20% of a given class’s meetings cannot earn credit for that class. If absences become excessive, the school will initiate a meeting with the family to determine what measures will best help the student comply with the school’s expectations.