Magnus Health FAQs

For the 2021-2022 school year, we continue to use an online database called Magnus Health Student Medical Record, which will host all student medical information moving forward. There are many benefits to this change, including less paperwork for parents to complete each year, and having more accurate information that is accessible to parents and the appropriate employees at our school.

In preparation for the 2021-2022 school year, we ask that you enter the health information required for each child attending Park no later than July 1, 2021.

To log in to the Magnus Health Portal CLICK HERE. Log in using your Veracross username and password.

Before you begin, we recommend that you watch the “Getting Started Video” that appears when you log in. It is less than 2 minutes long and will answer many questions you have about the system.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is the Magnus Health system secure?

Maintaining the security and privacy of our student records, including health records, is of the utmost importance to Park School. Upon considering the move to online health record-keeping, Park thoroughly investigated the privacy issue and has been satisfied by the scope and depth of Magnus Health’s policies and procedures. Below, please find a statement that summarizes the Magnus approach; the school feels that the physical, electronic, and procedural safeguards that the company has outlined for us meet our own commitment to keeping our students’ records secure.

CLICK HERE to review a Privacy and Security Fact Sheet provided by Magnus Health.

Who at Park has access to the information that is stored in the system?

The security of your child’s personal information is important to us. We limit access to personal information about your child to Park School personnel who we believe reasonably need to come into contact with that information to provide for your child or to do their jobs. For example, our Athletic Trainer and School Nurse have access to all students’ medical information. Additionally, a Database Administrator supports the system.

When there is health information that a teacher needs to know, such as a life threatening allergy, this information will be shared with the teacher. 

When do I have to schedule a physical exam for my child?

Physical Exams are due annually, coinciding with the date of the last exam. This means that if your child’s last exam was in January 2020, a new exam is required January 2021. We are sensitive to the fact that insurance companies will only pay for one exam per calendar year, so a 2-week grace period is given from the date of the last exam. The due date for your child’s physical exam will be visible when you log in to Magnus Health.

There are so many questions, do I need to answer all of them?

Not all questions in the Vital Health Record are required. Required questions are indicated by a red asterisk.

What do I do with forms once they are signed by my child’s physician?

All forms are sent to Magnus Health by scanning and uploading the forms to Magnus Health. If you do not have a scanner, all forms can be sent to Magnus Health by fax. You must include a cover sheet from Magnus Health if you are mailing or faxing the form. Instructions for obtaining a cover sheet can be found on the Magnus Health website. CLICK HERE.

DO NOT send health forms to the school. Forms sent to school will be sent back to parent.

I have submitted all of my forms, but some of them are pending approval. Why?

Individual forms may be pending approval and will be reviewed over the summer (July 1–August 9).

I can’t log in, how can I get help?

Your username and password are the same as for your Veracross portal login. If you don’t remember either, please try the “Can’t access your account?” link from the Veracross login page here. If you are still having difficulty, contact Park School Portals Support at

I am logged in, but am having trouble using the system.

Please contact Magnus Health if you have a problem when you are in the Magnus Health System. CLICK HERE to access their online help resources for parents.