Postscript Receives Two Awards from American Scholastic Press Association


Congratulations to the editors, staff, and advisers of Postscript, Park’s student-run newspaper, on receiving two awards from the American Scholastic Press Association (ASPA)! Postscript was awarded First Place with Special Merit, and was the only school to receive the Most Outstanding K-12 Newspaper award.

First Place with special merit was given to a publication that scored over 950 points and, in the opinion of the reviewer, was an outstanding overall example of a scholastic publication in format, content, and presentation.

“I have found working alongside students on the publication of the eight issues a year to be a creative endeavor full of good humor and serious effort, and sometimes ethically powerful work,” Postscript faculty co-adviser and Upper School history teacher Jon Acheson said. “Above all, it is the students who do the work, who write and edit, and achieve the quality of the journalism they produce. Having our senior Editors-in-Chief take the lead in the effort to produce accurate and interesting stories, pushing section editors and staff writers to produce their best work for the paper, was key to making excellent issues and winning top awards in two categories.”

Faculty co-advisers Jon Acheson and Susan Weintraub, Director of Library Services and Information Technology and Upper School English teacher, submitted issues from the 2015-16 school year and the 2016-17 school year for judging. Editors-in-Chief for ASPA award-winning Postscript issues include:


Aerin Abrams, Nikita Shtarkman, Leah Smith


Mollie Eisner, Thao Kahn, Jack Sheehy

About Postscript: Postscript is an award-winning student newspaper. A wholly extra-curricular activity, the newspaper is staffed by highly motivated and dedicated editors and writers who spend hours after school and during weekends to create a newspaper that reflects their sense of news, commentary, features, arts, and sports. As a student-run organization, the content and look of the paper are the responsibility of its editors, and the school fully supports this effort by giving them the freedom to publish openly.

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