Park Welcomes Rose Berns-Zieve ’11 and Yohance Allette ’05 as 2017 Millhauser Fellows


Park welcomed Rose Berns-Zieve ’11 and Yohance Allette ’05 to campus this morning as this year’s Millhauser Fellows.

Started by Louise Eiseman Robinson Millhauser ’30 in 1998, and continued by her son, Allen Robinson, The Park School Graduate Student Fellows Program in Science, Mathematics, and Technology celebrates the careers of young alumni currently in graduate school in these fields. Each year, Millhauser Fellows are invited to Park to share their research with Upper School students in an assembly. While here, the fellows visit science and math classes and speak with students who are interested in pursuing careers in these fields.

Rose attended Hamilton College where she majored in Mathematics and minored in Psychology and Anthropology. At Hamilton, she volunteered with America Reads and peer-tutored other Mathematics students. She participated in a summer Research Experience for Undergraduates (REU) at Miami University of Ohio where she co-authored a paper that has since been accepted for publication. After graduating from Hamilton, Rose joined the Mathematics and Statistics Department at University of Massachusetts as a graduate student. She is currently in her second year of the program, and, upon completion of this semester’s courses, she will receive her master’s degree. She plans to continue in the program and work towards her Ph.D. with the goal of becoming a professor. Rose’s current interests tend towards low-dimensional topology and geometric topology.

Yohance attended the University of Maryland Baltimore County with a major in Biological Sciences. He was a member of the 18th cohort of the Meyerhoff Scholarship Program, which is dedicated to increasing academic diversity in science, technology, engineering and related (STEM) fields. While enrolled at UMBC, Yohance was also accepted to both the McNair Scholars program and the MARC U*STAR program, both of which focus on preparing students applying to doctoral programs in the STEM fields. During his undergraduate studies, he worked in the research laboratory of Dr. Rachel Brewster, studying neurodevelopment in zebrafish. He also completed summer internships at Johns Hopkins Hospital and the University of Miami.

Upon graduation from UMBC with honors, he was accepted to the Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) at Indiana University School of Medicine. During his Ph.D. training he was awarded the CTSI pre-doctoral award for translation research, earned multiple authorships in both peer-reviewed journals and book chapters, and presented his research and meetings both within the United States and internationally. He continues to maintain a presence in the laboratory through both mentorship of new graduate students and bench work during research electives. As a medical student, Yohance worked in community outreach as education co-chair for the student-run outreach clinic at IU. He is currently working with other clinic board members to provide learning opportunities for the patients via several outreach programs involving IU schools of Dentistry, Social Work, and Nursing. Yohance is now a senior medical student applying to residency programs in neurology, and awaiting the start of his intern year July 2017.

We are grateful to Louise Eiseman Robinson Millhauser ’30 and to her family for their continued support of the Millhauser Fellowship. Louise’s curiosity about the sciences and her appreciation for the value of her own Park education led to her interest in supporting this important initiative. Click HERE to learn more about the program.

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