Park Journal Receives Award from American Scholastic Press Association
Congratulations to the Park Journal, Park’s Upper School academic journal, on receiving a second place honor from the American Scholastic Press Association (ASPA)! The journal, which is published twice a year, is a collection of student work consisting of essays, history papers, drawings, paintings, science projects, independent study reports, solutions to math problems, and more. Pieces are nominated by faculty members, and, with the student’s permission, are submitted to a rotating editorial board made up of students and teachers for consideration.
Inspired by the work of his students, Upper School history teacher Daniel Jacoby started the journal in 2014. “To me, one of the most wonderful things about Park – and one of the most important – is the work that students produce in class,” says Jacoby. “But students usually only see their own work, and teachers only see the work they assign; much of it is not visible. I don’t know what students have created in English, art, math, or science, and the journal provides an audience for a tiny fraction of that work to everybody. It’s exciting to get of glimpse of what students are doing in other subjects.”
The editorial board, comprising four students and three faculty members, reads through all submissions (which are anonymous to the board), and meet for an afternoon to deliberate. The group discusses and carefully considers each piece, and decides which should be included or not. All pieces included in the journal are published exactly as they were originally submitted for the class assignment.
“In essence, the journal is a compendium of great work produced by students from all subjects,” Maeve Thistel ’19, member of the editorial board for the award-winning magazine, said. “I’m happy to hear that the Park Journal was recognized because the work done by so many Park students is worth a round of applause. I’m more impressed each time I read student work because of how articulate and eloquent Park students are.”
Once published, journals are distributed to everyone connected to the publication. While all issues thus far have been compiled by Jacoby (pieces appear alphabetically) and printed in-house, the next issue will have a student in charge of layout and design. Additional copies of the journal are available in the library for all to read.
Photo: “Ultrasound: Heartbeat Heard ’round the Body” by Lauren Singer ’18, Ink Print, 8.82″ x 5.89″, published in the spring 2017 award-winning issue.
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