Lower School Destination ImagiNation Teams Apply Creative Thinking Skills
Destination ImagiNation (DI) is the world’s largest creative problem solving program for kindergarten through college-aged learners, with participation in 50 states and over 40 countries. Teams of up to 7 members solve one of six different Challenges, which they perform in front of appraisers at tournaments. The Challenges help students to develop both their creative thinking skills and their ability to work cooperatively and effectively as part of a group. Park’s first year participating in DI was an unmitigated success! We sent four teams (from third grade and fourth grade) to the North Central Maryland Regional Tournament on March 10. The students performed wonderfully! And each team finished in the top three of their respective divisions. Two teams took first place and will be advancing to the State Tournament on April 14 at UMBC. The entire Park community is invited to come see the action.
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