Civic Engagement Opportunities for Families

Below are a few of the Park-sponsored community projects for both parents and students.

Amnesty International/International Rescue Committee

Donate clothing/household items to their free store; other volunteer opportunities available:

Art With a Heart

Enhances the lives of people in need through visual arts classes; more information here:

Community Lot Team

Help with the transformation of vacant lots to community gardens:ā€Æā€Æ

Maryland Food Bank

Packing food and health kits, ages 12 and up; additional work in Community Kitchen for ages 18 and up; more information and schedule available here:

Paul’s Place

Various volunteer opportunities available for ages 6 and up; information available here:

Real Food Farm

Various open volunteer days, available here:

Weinberg Housing and Resource Center (WHRC)

Travel-size toiletries needed; volunteer weekdays (14+ only) to help with breakfast or dinner service.ā€Æ All opportunities listed here:


Youth Empowerment Society (YES)

Collections/sorting – learn more here:

Viva House

Monthly food bag collections for Southwest Baltimore soup kitchen and food pantry; 2 parent drivers needed each month