Middle School Co-Curricular and After-School Programs

8th Grade Production

Park offers a wide range of co-curricular and after-school programs to meet our students’ range of interests.

The after-school opportunities vary in terms of commitment: some are year-long programs whereas others are seasonal; some meet almost every day each week, whereas others meet once or twice per week. 

All opportunities noted below are considered part of Park’s academic and/or co-curricular program (no additional cost) — with the exception of individual music lessons and after-school enrichment classes (fee-based).

An Overview of After-School Offerings

OfferingFull-Year or SeasonalDays Per WeekCostSize LimitRegistration
(fall, winter, spring)
4–5 days per week
(typically 3:30-4:30 p.m. for practice, longer on game days)
NoneNoneNo registration required. Tryout information can be found here on the Athletics page under Preseason Information.
8th Grade ProductionSeasonal
(December 1-March 7)
4–5 days per week
3:30-5:30 p.m.
(occasional Saturdays)
NoneTo be determinedGina Braden will share information about auditions in early November.
Jazz EnsembleFull-YearThursdays
3:15–4:15 p.m.
NoneNoneNo registration required. See site for audition information.
7:30–8:20 a.m.
NoneNoneNo registration required. See site for audition information.
Chamber StringsFull-YearThursdays
7:30–8:20 a.m.
NoneNoneNo registration required. See site for audition information.
Individual Music LessonsFull-Year1 day per week
(weekly time slot assigned upon enrollment)
See site for costNoneRegister in CampBrain between August 12-26.

Enrichment Classes 
(fall, winter, spring)
1 or 2 days per week (depends on class)See site for costVaries based on classFirst-come, first-served. Register in CampBrain starting August 12 at 9 a.m.
ClubsSeasonal (fall, winter, spring)1 or 2 days per week
(depends on club)
NoneNoneNo registration required.
Middle School After DayFull-YearOpen every school day 3:15–6 p.m.NoneNoneNo registration required.

FALL: Beginning of September through the beginning of November.

WINTER: Beginning mid-November through end of February.

SPRING: Beginning in March through late May.

Seasonal Calendars

Video Game Club (afternoon)Math Circle
Chamber Strings
Drama Workshop
Dance 101: A
Journey Through

Jazz Ensemble
Color Code: Blue = Athletics, Brown = Clubs, Red = Music Ensembles, Orange = Enrichment Classes
Video Game Club
Math Circle
Chamber Strings
Peabody Dance
(afternoon, Grade 6)
Volleyball Club
Volleyball Club
Jazz Ensemble
Color Code: Blue = Athletics, Brown = Clubs, Red = Music Ensembles, Orange = Enrichment Classes
Video Game Club
Math Circle
Chamber Strings
Jazz Ensemble
Color Code: Blue = Athletics, Brown = Clubs, Red = Music Ensembles, Orange = Enrichment Classes

Spring registration opens February 3 at 9 a.m.

Athletics + Jazz EnsembleAthletics + any two other afternoon activities (including Jazz Ensemble, Outdoor Theater, religious school, after-school tutoring, etc.)
Athletics + any single-afternoon activity During winter/early spring: Have a lead role in the 8th Grade Production + Athletics
Athletics + an ensemble/non-lead role in the 8th Grade Production
Athletics + Robotics (student would miss Robotics 1x/week)
Morning music ensembles + any afternoon activity

Activity Information


The goal of athletics at Park is to provide positive and significant experiences for all students who participate in the program. There is no better place to learn life’s lessons than on an athletic field, court, or course. Cooperation, leadership, emotional control, confidence, resilience, and commitment are just a few of the numerous benefits that participation on a team can help instill or develop. We want to challenge students to take chances with advanced training techniques, with new sports, and with new roles on teams, and also to compete outside their comfort zones. As students hopefully prepare for their Upper School careers as student-athletes, we encourage them to try a sport this year, regardless of experience. There is a place for everyone in our program! 

During the fall, Park offers teams in Cross Country (coed), Soccer (boys and girls), and Field Hockey (girls). On Wednesday, September 4 at 7:15 p.m., the Athletics Office will host a Parents/Coaches meeting on Zoom. Coaches will present their experience, coaching philosophies, and expectations for the season. You will also hear from the Athletic Directors about programmatic details and expectations. Information about winter and spring athletics teams will be shared with families during the school year. Click here to visit the Park Athletics website.


The Park Arts’ Department’s mission is to encourage authentic artistic development and support the rich inner lives of our students; our co-curricular and enrichment offerings complement and build on our rich curricular performing and visual arts program. We encourage students to participate in our ensemble-based music, theater, and dance programming when possible, as we know that participation in music, theater, and dance ensembles helps students to develop essential life skills. Opportunities to practice and strengthen cooperation, collaboration, commitment, confidence, creative problem-solving, empathy, expression, healthy risk-taking, leadership, resilience, and self-regulation are just some of the benefits community-based arts experiences offer young people. Acting, playing music, singing, and dancing are also all wonderful ways to connect in person with peers, unplug, and have fun! 

8th Grade Production

This capstone project of the Middle School Drama program is fully built and run by 8th Grade students. Rehearsals run from December 1 to March 7 and individual rehearsal and build schedules will vary by role. Gina Braden will be inviting parents of 8th Grade students interested in participating in the show to an Informational Potluck Meeting in early November. Sixth and 7th Grade students interested in ensemble roles and their families will receive information about how to participate in late November via Middle School Announcements. Click here to learn more about the 8th Grade Production.

Music Ensembles (Jazz Ensemble; B#s/B-sharps; Chamber Strings)

In addition to their three years of ensemble-based curricular music study (during the school day), Middle School students are eligible to participate in any or all of our audition-based, co-curricular musical ensembles that meet before or after school. Music teachers will provide more information about co-curricular audition dates and sign-ups during music classes in the first week of school. Click here to read the co-curricular ensemble audition requirements. 

Chamber Strings

Click here to access a folder with PDFs of the suggested audition pieces for Chamber Strings and B#s (B-Sharps). Students have the option of playing the suggested piece or a piece that they have already been working on outside of school. Students will also be asked to play a scale of their choice and to sight read a provided excerpt. Please contact Strings Director Doug Jameson at djameson@parkschool.net to schedule an audition.

B#s/B-sharps (Choral)

Click here to access a folder with PDFs of the suggested audition pieces for Chamber Strings and B#s (B-Sharps). Students have the option of playing the suggested piece or a piece that they have already been working on outside of school. Students will also be asked to play a scale of their choice and to sight read a provided excerpt.

Middle School Jazz Ensemble

Guitarists, bassists, and pianists who would like to audition for Jazz Ensemble will be asked to play a song with chords. Drummers will be asked to play a swing rhythm and a rock rhythm. All students auditioning will be asked to sight read a provided excerpt. Click here to sign up.

Individual Music Lessons

Individual lessons are available to students in Grades 6-8 to help students build their skills and musical creativity. Lessons are tailored to the needs and goals of each student, and include technique, musical theory, and performance skills. Our experienced faculty of professional musicians provide instruction on many different instruments, including piano, guitar, drums, as well as wind and string instruments. Families interested in individual music lessons must register in CampBrain between August 12-26, and specific lesson assignments will be shared with families by August 30. Click here to learn more about individual music lesson registration information, prices, and policies.

After Day

Middle School After Day is a free, supervised program for students that provides a relaxing space for students at the end of the day from 3:15-6 p.m. Registration for After Day is not required in advance. The program is for students who are not picked up by 3:15 or are participating in another school-sponsored program. Typical activities include board games, arts and crafts, open gym, and quiet time for homework. Students are encouraged to choose the activity that aligns with their needs and interests. Middle School After Day takes place in the Middle School Commons and surrounding areas. Students are required to sign-in at 3:15 and stay in one of the supervised activities until they get picked up. No food will be provided during After Day; students should bring their own.

Please note that After Day is not day care. It is a cost-free convenience provided for families who are unable to pick up their children after school. And while Park is able to sponsor athletics, various clubs, and some after-school care, we are not able to provide enough space or supervision for every Middle School student to stay at school at the end of the day. As much as we love that the kids want to stay at school, we ask that families resist their child’s request to stay later than necessary and to pick up their child when the school day ends or after afternoon activities are finished.

It is the students’ responsibility to update the sign-in sheet with their current location so that we can find them quickly. Please note that students will be monitored during their time in After Day, but not directly supervised at all times.

  • Pull into the lot and dial 410-339-7070.
  • Tell our supervisor the name of your child (first and last, and their grade level).
  • Tell the supervisor your relationship to the student.
  • The supervisor will radio our Director, who will then locate your child and send them out to you.

The Middle School Rule for Community Living is core to the after-school experience and will help us keep the students safe and accounted for. We need parental support for this to happen. Middle School students who have difficulty following these guidelines will be asked to leave school at 3:15 p.m. or at the end of their athletic practices/rehearsals. Parents will be expected to pick up children who cannot follow the rules for community living.

Enrichment Classes and Clubs — Current Offerings and Descriptions

Enrichment Classes

Enrichment classes are offered on a seasonal basis to students in Grades 6-8. Registration takes place in CampBrain and classes are available seasonally on a first-come, first-served basis.

FallSeptember 9-November 1August 12
Winter INovember 11-December 20October 7
Winter IIJanuary 6-February 14October 7
SpringFebruary 24-May 16February 3

Drama Workshop  Grades 6-8

Dates: Every Monday from March 31-May 19 (no class on 4/21) (7 total sessions: 3/31, 4/7, 4/14, 4/28, 5/5, 5/12, 5/19)
Cost: $175

Boost your performing technique and confidence with this fun, skills-focused drama class. In a welcoming and playful environment, actors will explore multiple drama forms including mime, improv, and scripted work.

Participants will enjoy a variety of exercises that develop voice control, body awareness, and general stage intelligence. Please come dressed to move freely and without hesitation! 

Dance 101: A Journey Through Styles  Grades 6-8

Dates: Every Tuesday from April 1-May 6 (6 total sessions: 4/1, 4/8, 4/15, 4/22, 4/29, 5/6)
Cost: $150

We will explore a variety of dance styles, including ballet, jazz, hip-hop, and modern.

Students will learn the fundamentals of each style, build confidence, and express themselves creatively through movement. By the end of the class, students will have a taste of each style and newfound skills to continue their journey in the art of movement! Students should wear comfortable clothing and bring a water bottle each day. 

Each class has a minimum number of students needed to run. Classes that do not meet the minimum will be canceled, and families will receive a full refund or can apply the credit to a different enrichment class. Classes also have a capacity with a waitlist available once the class is full. Full payment for classes is due upon registration in CampBrain.

In the past, we have had the occasional instance when children have dropped out mid-session due to lack of interest in the class. If after the first week a family decides to withdraw, a refund for the remaining sessions minus a $50 administrative fee will be provided. However, there will be no refunds for an after-school enrichment class following the first week of the class. 

If for any reason classes need to be made up due to cancelations (we will not reschedule classes due to inclement weather), they will be added at the end of the session and you will be notified. Should the class fee present a hardship to your family, please contact afterschoolprograms@parkschool.net.

All classes run from 3:15-4:30 p.m. Middle School faculty and staff help students transition from school-day activities into after-school classes. At the end of class, students are either picked-up by the school’s main entrance from 4:30-4:45 or join the Middle School After Day program.


Middle School Clubs provide a low-key environment for students with shared interests to gather on a weekly basis. Examples of clubs include Math Circle, Volleyball, Video Game Club, and Dungeons and Dragons. Some clubs are seasonal, whereas others are year-long, and students are welcome to transition into and out of a club at the seasonal transitions based on their other after-school commitments.

Although clubs do not have a fee, we ask that families not schedule other commitments at the same time so that the student can participate in the club unless there is an extenuating circumstance. Club information is shared with students and families during the first weeks of school.

Math Circle (Tuesday Mornings, 7:35-8:20 a.m.)

Have you ever wondered what tic-tac-toe would be like if you played it on the surface of a donut? Do you like thinking about infinity? Most of all, do you like playing around with problems and puzzles? Math Circle is a club devoted to investigating mathematical questions and looking for patterns. It’s a chance to get some exposure to topics not typically taught in the classroom. All problems are exploratory, so no particular background is required. Please direct any questions to Mimi Cukier, Upper School Mathematics, mcukier@parkschool.net.

Volleyball (Monday + Thursday Afternoons, 3:25-4:25 p.m.)

This coed club is open to all skill levels. This is a great opportunity for anyone interested in learning or developing their volleyball skills. Contact Dave Lowther (dlowther@parkschool.net) for more information.

Video Game Club (Monday Afternoons, 3:25-4:25 p.m.)

This club gives the opportunity for students who like to play video games to meet and hang out. We will practice good sportsmanship as we play games together such as Jackbox Games, Mario Kart, and Super Smash Bros. Contact Drew Scoff (dschoff@parkschool.net) for more information.


Please contact afterschoolprograms@parkschool.net. We look forward to hearing from you!