Lower School
Pre-K–Grade 5

Lower School Academics
Park’s task is to engage children in experiences that will encourage and sustain their innate curiosity and joy in learning.

Our Lower School Community
Park is not only a school, but also an extension of home for all community members — students, faculty, staff, and parents.
Park Pre-K and Kindergarten
Learn more about our Pre-K and Kindergarten programs — the first steps in the Park Lower School journey.
Our community of engaged lifelong learners gets its start here.
Get a glimpse into a Day in the Life:
Children learn and retain information best when they see the connections among ideas.
The Lower School curriculum is structured around thematic studies that weave together history, social studies, geography, literature, science, math, and the arts.
For example, fifth graders explore the medieval world, construct catapults, investigate medieval trades and customs, and perform Lower School librarian Laura Schlitz’s Newbery Award winning monologues depicting the lives of medieval children. Through the integrated study of a particular theme, students hone their math, writing and conceptual skills as they develop a rounded and rich perspective.
In addition to teaching fundamental skills, our teachers encourage Lower School students to become independent thinkers, responsible for their own work. Classrooms serve as model communities where ideas are discussed, differences in perspectives are welcomed, and people work cooperatively. Students learn first how to act effectively as members of the classroom community, and proceed through Lower School participating in the greater school community and beyond.
Are you looking to apply to Park’s Lower School?
School & Student Resources
Below you’ll find links to important information about a number of resources at school for students and families.