Online Services

We subscribe to 20 online database services, all of which are available from both in and outside of school. For easy access, visit the Online Catalog and look at the Visual Search page.

If you are a Park School student and wish to obtain a password, please ask any librarian.

Selected Online Services

African American Studies Center from OxfordOnline access to a number of Oxford reference works, including Africana, the Encyclopedia of African American History, and Black Women in America.
CultureGramsCountry reports with statistics and perspectives on daily life and culture of over 200 countries.
JSTORFull-text of scholarly articles.
ProQuest Historical NewspapersFull-text, graphical version of the New York Times from 1850; and The Baltimore Sun.
Student Resource Center and Proquest PlatinumPeriodical, newspaper, reference, and multimedia databases on all curricular areas;
SIRS Knowledge SourceIncludes related databases that include primary and secondary sources on a wide-range of subjects.

See the Visual tab of our Online Catalog for a complete list.