FACA Projects 1989 – 2019
“The beauty of the FACA model is in its balancing an organized structure and an organic planning process, generating new initiatives from one year to the next and enabling us to follow through on key strategic priorities.”
Daniel J. Paradis
Head of School
Upper School Science: Core 10 Curriculum Development
Carla Guarraia and Julie Rogers (co-chairs), Elliott Huntsman, Jeff Jennings, Tess Kysel, Melissa, Osquist, Mick Scott.
Discovering Google Earth to Experience the Francophone World
Sofia Park (chair)
Interdisciplinary Studies 2019
Ileana Imhoff and Patricia Porcarelli (co-chairs), Jon Acheson, Arnaldo Cohen, Mick Scott, Christine Tillman
It’s Time: Shaping a Planned, Sequenced Human Sexuality Curriculum for Parks K/Lower School Students
Debbie R. (chair), Alejandro Hurtado, Carlee Jensen, Marilyn Milton, Sarah Shelton
Male Students of Color in Lower School
June Bennett and Linda Butler (co-chairs), Tracy Baker-Sims, Becky Bloom, Christina Cubera, Gerald Patrick, Matt Hannibal, Jenny Harbold, Stradine Harris, Rhys Joseph
Music Technology
Douglas Jameson (chair), Adele Dinerstein, Chris Peterson
Responding to the Wellness Needs of our Students
Krista Dhruv (chair), Zella Adams
Social Emotional Learning in the Lower School: Understanding and Responding to Challenging Behaviors
Zella Adams and Ali Baran (co-chairs), Elise Altschuler, Tracy Baker-Sims, Christina Cubera, Bonnie Frost, Alicia Grothman, Jenny Harbold, Alejandro Hurtado, Marilyn Milton, Gaby Villanueva
Think, Design, Build: Constructing a Drawing and Painting Curriculum in the Lower School
Alison Penning and Ann Starer (co-chairs)
This is What It Looks Like: Communities of Color
Co-chairs: Demara Austin, Angela Balcita, Leela Chantrelle
Digging in: A Renewed Commitment to the Lower School Garden
Alison Penning (chair), Kristin Baker, Bart Cook, Stradine Harris, Katrina Holmberg, Laura Jacoby, Carlee Jensen, Emily Shuttenberg, Jillian Van Ells
Stories from Home
Karyn Fisher and Gaby Villanueva (co-chairs), Susan Asdourian, Christina Cubera, Laura Jacoby, Sofia Park, Nicole Scott, Maria Spiegel
Upper School Science: Core 9 Curriculum Revisions
Michael Guarraia (chair), Tess Kysel, Maggie Mahmood, Melissa Osquist, Mick Scott
Artists at Work
Angela Balcita and Christine Tillman (Chairs), Jon Acheson, Gina Braden, Adele Dinerstein, Nancy Fink, Mike Guarraia, Rhys Joseph, Alison Penning, Janna Rice
Beyond the Essay: Creating and Evaluating Major Assessments in the Upper School (History and Modern Language)
Jon Acheson (Chair), Katherine Arner, Archer Davis, Xiaomu Hu, Ileana Imhoff, Elizabeth Proctor, Peter Warren
Enhancing Affective Programming in the Upper School
Krista Dhruv and Traci Wright (Chairs), Elliott Huntsman, Matt Hannibal, Debbie R.
Interdisciplinary Possibilities in the Upper School, with a Focus on 9th Grade
Patti Porcarelli (Chair), Krista Dhruv, Mike Guarraia, Ileana Imhoff, Maggie Mahmood, Peter Warren
Middle School Affinity, Alliance, and Advocacy Curriculum Development Project
Rob Piper and Courtney Rollins (Chairs), Hallie Herz, Geoff Meyers
Sharing Music in the Classroom: Building Community and Cultural Competency Through Song
Katrina Holmberg and Chris Peterson (Chairs), Kristin Baker, Becky Bloom, Alejandro Hurtado, Gaby Villanueva
Stories from Home
Karyn Fisher and Gaby Villanueva (Chairs), Tony Asdourian, Heather Freas-Kostic, Matt Hannibal, Alejandro Hurtado, Rhys Joseph, Rosie Max, Marilyn Milton, Alison Penning, Jillian Van Ells, Sylvia van Helden
TERC Math: Ten Years Later
Linda Brennan (Chair), June Bennett, Becky Bloom, Jenny Harbold, Katrina Holmberg, Ellen Hoitsma, Rosie Max, Marilyn Milton
Think, Design, Build: Constructing a Lower School Art Curriculum
Ann Starer (Chair), Alison Penning
Using New Technology Efficiently in the Classroom
Samira Phillips (Chair), Tony Asdourian, Ali Baran, Linda Brennan, Fathim Craven, Carla Guarraia, Xiaomu Hu, Alejandro Hurtado, Ileana Imhoff, Laura Jacoby, Rosie Max, Marilyn Milton, Rob Piper, Gaby Villanueva
Upper School Science: Core Curriculum Assessment and Reconstruction
Carla Guarraia and Julie Rogers (Chairs), Mike Guarraia, Maggie Mahmood, Elliott Huntsman
“Why Are You So Quiet?”: Engaging Introverted Students at Park
Katherine Arner and Karyn Fisher (Chairs), Demara Austin, Arnaldo Cohen, Jenny Harbold, Geoff Meyers
Creating a Cohesive Fourth Grade Language Arts and Social Studies Curriculum
Ali Baran, Jenny Harbold, Katie Ward
Kindergarten Anti-Bias and Social Justice Curriculum
June Bennett, Linda Butler, Bonnie Frost, Ashley Reynolds, Adam Rogers, Janice Wong
Re-examining the Second Grade Social Studies Curriculum Through the Lens of Social Justice
Akua Peprah (Chair), Marilyn Milton, Katrina Holmberg
Revising and Reinvigorating the Middle School Social Studies Program
Hallie Herz, Peter Sun, Paul Worley
The Park School’s Lower and Middle School Choral Music Curriculum: Exploring the Artistic Process
Bruce Bryant
Upper School Science Research Program Development
Carla Guarraia (Co-Chair), Julie Rogers (Co-Chair)
Making It Across the Curriculum
Matt Doyle, Mike Guarraia, Rhys Joseph (Chair), Dave Lowther, Rosie Max, Alison Pening, Rob Piper
Modern Language Integrating Culture
Fathim Craven (Co-Chair), Archer Davis, Xiaomu Hu, Alejandro Hurtado, Sofia Park, Jenny Sorel (Co-Chair)
Stories from Home
Angela Balcita (Co-Chair), Ali Baran, Gregory Brandt (Co-Chair), Linda Butler, Karyn Fisher, Elliott Huntsman, Chris Peterson, Patti Porcarelli, Dave Tracey, Janice Wong, Gaby Villanueva
Using New Technology Tools Effectively in the Classroom
Tony Asdourian, Gina Braden, Matt Doyle (Co-Chair), Matt Hannibal, Ellen Hoitsma, Xiaomu Hu, Alejandro Hurtado, Dave Lowther, Samira Saliba Phillips (Co-Chair), Patti Porcarelli, Courtney Rollins, Maria Spiegel
Modern Language Integrating Culture
Jenny Sorel and Nancy Fink (Co-Chairs), Di Bobrow, Fathim Craven, Xiaomu Hu, Alejandro Hurtado, Ileana Imhoff, Paul Villmoare, Pelle Wertheimer
Research and Writing on Teaching about Race
Max Wiggins
Act Before You Think: Becoming a Certified Meisner Teacher
Peter King
Creating a Framework for the Garry Cerrone Maker Space
Rhys Joseph and Carolyn Sutton (co-Chairs), Ann Haney, Sean Lally, Dave Lowther, Rosie Max, Samira Phillips,
Examining the Role of Homework at Park School
Ali Baran (Chair), Greg Brandt, Peter Warren, Geoff Meyers, Jenny Harbold, Jon Acheson, Akua Peprah, Marilyn Milton
Going Beyond the Conversation about Race
Sarah Howell and Stephanie Tellis (Co-Chairs), Di Bobrow, Xiaomu Hu, Heather Freas-Kostic, Patti Wit, Shri Puri, Rich Espey, Jeff Zerhusen, Elliott Huntsman, Ruthie Kalvar, Peter Sun
Kindergarten Social Justice Curriculum
Jo Anne Yamaka (Chair), June Bennett, Bonnie Frost, Ashley Reynolds, Janice Wong
Meeting the Contemporary Needs of Park Students
Debbie Dolan and Krista Dhruv (Co-Chairs), Zella Adams, Susan Eisner, Karyn Fisher, Dave Tracey
Stories from Home
Ileana Imhoff and Malick Mbengue (Co-Chairs), Gina Braden, Greg Brandt, Ann Haney, Geoff Meyers, Akua Peprah, Ashley Reynolds
Using New Technology Tools Effectively in the Classroom
Rob Piper (Chair), Mimi Cukier, Rich Espey, Alicia Grothmann, Carla Guarraia, Peter Sun
FACA Advisory Committee
Betsy Leighton (Chair), Sarah Baird, Linda Brennan, Nancy Dickson, Krista Dhruv, Carla Guarraia, Nichelle Hermann, Marilyn Milton, Dan Paradis, Lisa Sun, Stephanie Tellis, Peter Warren, Josh Wolf
Embedded Grammar
Marilyn Milton (Chair), Rosie Max, Jenny Harbold, Ali Baran, Greg Brandt
Reimagining the Lower and Middle School Music Curriculums
Bruce Bryant (Chair), Chris Peterson, Maeve Royce, Adele Dinerstein, Bradley Williams
Science of Yoga for Teenage Health
Carla Guarraia
Using New Technology Tools Effectively in the Classroom
Matt Doyle and Samira Phillips (Co-Chairs), Linda Brennan, Arnaldo Cohen, Eric Gilson, Rob Piper, Ann Starer, Dave Tracey, Patti Wit
One-and-Two-Week Projects
Broadening the Conversation about Race 2015
Kaliq Simms and Peter King (Co-Chairs), Akua Peprah, Judith Sorgen-Borgnia, Patti Wit, Gaby Villanueva, Susan Asdourian, Dorrie, Bright, Pailin Gaither
First Grade Social Studies: Essential Inquiries and the Language Arts Connection
Kristin Baker (Chair), Becky Bloom, Alicia Grothman
Five Years Later: Putting “Gay” in a Positive Context
Rich Espey and Geoff Meyers (Co-Chairs), Jenny Harbold, Debbie R., Dave Tracey, Jeff Zerhusen
Modern Language Exploratory Culture
Nancy Fink and Jenny Sorel (Co-Chairs), Silvia Patterson
Phonological Awareness in Kindergarten
Jo Anne Yamaka (Chair), June Bennett, Bonnie Frost, Janice Wong
Stories from Home
Angela Balcita and Ileana Imhoff (Co-Chairs), Jon Acheson, Kristin Baker, Becky Bloom, Fathim Craven, Di Bobrow, Katrina Holmberg, Xiaomu Hu, Malick Mbengue, Iman Sheybani, Jenny Sorel
Writing History: American Narratives for Ninth Graders
Jon Acheson (Chair), Naadia Owens, Daniel Jacoby, John Kessinger
FACA Advisory Committee
Betsy Leighton (Chair), Krista Dhruv, Jenny Harbold, Nichelle Hermann, Ileana Imhoff, Marilyn Milton, Dan Paradis, Samira Phillips, Elizabeth Rodini, Julie Rogers, Lisa Sun, Joshua Wolf, Traci Wright
four-week projects
Creating an Interdisciplinary Program at the End of Eighth Grade
Rommel Loria and Paul Worley (Co-Chairs), Rich Espey, Geoff Meyers
Sean Lally (Chair), Dorrie Bright, Bill Tabrisky
Service Learning in Nicaragua 2014
Silvia Patterson (Chair), Ali Baran, Krista Dhruv, Jenny Harbold, Stradine Harris, Ellen Hoitsma, Jeff Jennings, Julie Rogers, Susannah Wolf
Using New Technology Tools Effectively in the Middle School Classroom
Samira Phillips (Chair), Fathim Craven, Ann Haney, Dave Lowther, Rob Piper, Debbie R., Cathy Schmidt
Word Study in Lower School
Katrina Holmberg (Chair), Marcella Wilson, Rosie Max, Marilyn Milton, Akua Peprah, Becky Bloom, Alicia Grothman
One-and-Two-Week Projects
Broadening the Conversation about Race 2014
Dia Clark and Peter King (Co-Chairs), Kristin Baker, Shannon Byrd, Mimi Cukier, Daniel Jacoby, Chris Peterson
Ninth Grade Reader
Daniel Jacoby (Chair), Jon Acheson, John Kessinger, Iman Sheybani, John Trout
Physical Education: New Curricular Approach and Deeper Lessons
Robin Lowe (Chair), Shannon Byrd, Caroline Volker, Robin Willard
Stories from Home
Ileana Imhoff and Angela Balcita (Co-Chairs), Malick Mbengue, Janna Rice, Judith Sorgen-Borgnia, Carolyn Sutton
FACA Advisory Committee
Betsy Leighton (Chair), Jon Acheson, June Bennett, Kevin Coll, Jenny Harbold, Nichelle Hermann, Ileana Imhoff, Elizabeth Rodini, Michelle Levin, Dan Paradis, Samira Phillips, Dave Tracey, Josh Wolf
Diversity by Design in World History Core Curricula, Tenth and Eleventh Grades
Peter Warren (Chair), Iman Sheybani, John Kessinger, Jon Acheson
Service Learning in Nicaragua
Michelle Levin (Chair), Bonnie Frost, Stradine Harris, Silvia Patterson, Debbie Silverman, Caroline Volker, Susannah Wolf, Paul Worley
Shift, Not Supplement: Diversity in the English Classroom
Patti Porcarelli and Kirk Wulf (Co-Chairs), Angela Balcita, Howard Berkowitz, Greg Brandt, Jennifer Eng
Social Emotional Learning for Upper Elementary Students
Zella Adams and Matt Doyle (Co-Chairs), Rosie Max, Ellen Hoitsma, Ali Baran, Jenny Harbold, Marcella Wilson, Linda Brennan
Understanding by Design: 2nd Grade Language Arts Curriculum
Katrina Holmberg (Chair), Marilyn Milton, Akua Peprah
One-and-Two-Week Projects
Broadening the Conversation about Race 2013
Linda Butler and Peter King (Co-Chairs), Nancy Abrams, Angela Balcita, Dia Clark, Heather Freas-Kostic, Terris King, Anna Marmor, Betty Medalie, Patti Porcarelli, Cathy Schmidt, Iman Sheybani, Dave Tracey
Music Department Curricular Connections
Adele Dinerstein (Chair), Bruce Bryant, Doug Jameson, Chris Peterson, Maeve Royce
Spanish Textbook Level II-Part 3
Ileana Imhoff (Chair), Nancy Fink, Judith Sorgen-Borgnia, Paul Villmoare
Willfully Jamming with William James
Greg Brandt (Chair), Jon Acheson, Tony Asdourian, Howard Berkowitz, Arnaldo Cohen, Fathim Craven, Jennifer Eng, Nancy Fink, Marshall Gordon, Xiaomu Hu, Ileana Imhoff, Kirk Wulf
FACA Advisory Committee
Betsy Leighton (Chair), Jon Acheson, June Bennett, Linda Brennan, Carbery Morrow, Kevin Coll, Elizabeth Rodini, Michelle Levin, Dan Paradis, Julie Rogers, Carolyn Sutton, Dave Tracey, Josh Wolf
Four-week projects
Justice and Economics
Daniel Jacoby (Chair), Jennifer Eng, Dave Lowther, Jelena Popov, Bill Tabrisky, Dave Tracey, Marcella Wilson, Kirk Wulf
Service Learning in Nicaragua
Bruce Bryant and Michelle Levin (Co-Chairs), Nancy Fink, Bonnie Frost, Malick Mbengue, Silvia Patterson, Debbie Silverman, Ann Starer, Susannah Wolf
Smart Technology in the Lower School
Marilyn Milton (Chair), Matt Doyle, Rosie Max, Ali Baran, Jenny Harbold, Linda Brennan
Spanish Textbook Level II-Part II
Ileana Imhoff (Chair), Paul Villmoare, Judith Sorgen-Borgnia
Understanding by Design: A Unified Approach to Curriculum Development
Liz Baker and Rob Piper (Co-Chairs), Nancy Abrams, Fathim Craven, Rich Espey, Ann Haney, Elizabeth Hollister, Pelle Wertheimer
Broadening the Conversation about Race (one week)
Linda Butler and Jenn Lauder (Co-Chairs), Di Bobrow, Bruce Bryant, Dia Clark, Megan Ford, Bonnie Frost, Katrina Holmberg, Xiaomu Hu, Laura Jacoby, Peter King, Rommel Loria, Malick Mbengue, Shri Puri, Stephanie Tabrisky, Lisa Sun, Josh Wolf
Civil Rights Trip (one week)
Traci Wright and Carol Kinne (Co-Chairs), Linda Butler, Stradine Harris, Marla Hollandsworth, Maria Lawson, Betty Medalie, Jenny Sorel, Paul Worley
Race 2.0 (one week)
Traci Wright and Carol Kinne (Co-Chairs), Emily Biscoe, Krista Dhruv, Ann Haney, Jenny Harbold, Elizabeth Hollister, Kirk La Rue, Marilyn Milton, Debbie Silverman, Paul Worley
Assessment and Re-design of Core Curriculum: Teaching and Learning 20th Century World History
Jon Acheson and John Kessinger (Co-chairs), Tina Forbush, Peter Warren
Creating a Blueprint for Health Education
Zella Adams and Dave Tracey (Co-Chairs), Krista Dhruv, Patti Flowers-Coulson, Debbie R.
Faculty Portfolios
Greg Brandt (Chair), Catherine Ambler, Tony Asdourian, Gina Braden, Paul Hulleberg, Hadiya Woodham, Kirk Wulf
Spanish Textbook, Level II
Ileana Imhoff (Chair), Nancy Fink, Paul Villmoare
Broadening the Conversation about Race (one week)
Traci Wright and Carol Kinne (Co-Chairs), Tony Asdourian, Becky Bloom, Gina Braden, Linda Butler, Adele Dinerstein, Liz Hirsch, Jenn Lauder, Jelena Popov, Kirk Wulf
Kindergarten Curriculum Revision (two weeks
Jo Anne Yamaka (Chair), Linda Butler, Bonnie Frost, Katrina Holmberg, Kirk La Rue, Stephanie Tabrisky
Making Educational Connections between Park School of Baltimore and West Africa (one week)
Jon Acheson and Malick Mbengue (Co-chairs), Cathy Schmidt, Peter Warren
Modern Language Curricular Maps (one week)
Ileana Imhoff (Chair), Di Bobrow, Nancy Fink, Xiaomu Hu, Michelle Levin, Silvia Patterson, Marisa Perez-Gross, Jenny Sorel, Paul Villmoare, Pelle Wertheimer
Smart Technology and the Progressive Classroom (two weeks)
Kevin Coll and Susan Weintraub (Co-Chairs), Howard Berkowitz, Becky Bloom, Matt Doyle, Nadine Feiler, Xiaomu Hu, Rob Piper
“Are We Going to Play a Game Today?” A Middle School Modern Language FACA
Fathim Craven (Chair), Diana Bobrow, Pelle Wertheimer
Service Learning Workshop, Cuba, and Reflection
Nancy Fink
Making Art Makes Connections
Ann Haney and Carolyn Sutton (Co-chairs), Liz Baker, Elizabeth Hollister, Rosie Max, Stephanie Tabrisky
Tenth Grade Park Math Textbooks Answer Key: Foundation for Solution Manual and Teacher’s Guides
Arnaldo Cohen
Sowing an Edible Education: First Grade
Becky Bloom and Laurie Rosenberg (Co-chairs), Jen Lauder, Susan Stovall, Rani Wilder, Marcella Wilson
Upper School English Department
Patti Porcarelli (Chair), Susan Asdourian, Howard Berkowitz, Greg Brandt, Kevin Coll, Liz Hirsch, Susan Weintraub, Monica West, Kirk Wulf
Upper School Mathematics: Writing a New Curriculum-Year Five*
Tony Asdourian and Mimi Cukier (Co-chairs), Angela Doyle, Anand Thakker
Broadening the Conversation about Race (one week)
Kirk La Rue (Chair), Jon Acheson, Becky Avila, Alison Baran, Carol Kinne, Jennifer Lee, Julie Schwait, Ann Starer, Liz Stierhoff, Susannah Wolf, Traci Wright
Educating for Sustainability in the Upper School Curriculum (two weeks)
Elliott Huntsman (Chair), Jon Acheson, Julie Rogers
Human Sexuality in the Lower School (two weeks)
Debbie R. and Jenny Harbold (Co-chairs), Zella Adams, Katrina Holmberg, Linda Brennan
Putting “Gay” in a Positive Context (two weeks)
Rich Espey and Geoff Meyers (Co-chairs), Carolyn Cooper, Krista Dhruv, Jenny Harbold, Marla Hollandsworth, Emily Liss, Debbie R., Christine Tillman, Dave Tracey, Susannah Wolf, Paul Worley
Cosmology Curriculum for the NASA WMAP Project
Sean Lally
Partial or full funding provided by NASA grant through Dr. Charles Bennett, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Johns Hopkins University.
History of Park
Kevin Coll (Chair), Jon Acheson, Valerie Brice-Brooks, Megan Ford, Marilyn Milton, Bonnie Rosenblatt, Cathy Schmidt, Susannah Wolf, Jo Anne Yamaka
Partial or full funding provided by Centennial Fund.
In Conversation with Our Past
Gregory Brandt (Chair), Nancy Fink, Paul Hulleberg, John Kessinger, Peter Warren, Kirk Wulf
9th and 10th Grade Park Math Textbooks Answer Key
Arnaldo Cohen
Partial or full funding provided by Benedict Foundation Grant and matching private donations.
Program Development for Chinese III
Xiaomu Hu
Upper School Mathematics: Writing a New Curriculum—Year Four
Tony Asdourian (Chair), Mimi Cukier, Bill Tabrisky, Anand Thakker; Tim Howell (Consultant)
Partial or full funding provided by Benedict Foundation Grant and matching private donations.
Writing Short Stories for Spanish Classes
Ileana Imhoff
Redesigning the Fourth Grade Theme Study
Jenny Harbold and Obi Okobi (Co-chairs), Alison Baran, Jan Kenny
Sustainability and Curriculum
Debbie Silverman (Chair), Liz Baker, Laura Jacoby, Marcella Wilson
Theater across the Curriculum
Gina Braden and Peter King (Co-chairs), Susan Asdourian, Emily Biscoe, Kimberly Collins, Fathim Craven, Ann Haney, Sharen Pula
Third Grade Theme Study: The Lives of Africans in Early Colonial America
Ellen Hoitsma (Chair), Rosie Max, Ann Starer
From Seed to Table (2 weeks)
Zella Adams, Laurie Rosenberg
Adolescent Readers: One-week Follow-up Project
Geoff Meyers (Chair), Carolyn Cooper, Nadine Feiler, Elizabeth Hollister
Broadening the Conversation about Race VI (1 week)
Elliott Huntsman (Chair), Rich Espey, Nancy Fink, Kirk La Rue, Emily Liss, Amy Selmanoff, Jenny Sorel, Carolyn Sutton, Anand Thakker, Paul Villmoare, Melpa Warres, Pelle Wertheimer, Hadiya Woodham
Sculpture and Photography: A Collaboration (2 weeks)
Terry Lansburgh, Christine Tillman
The Black Male Experience at Park School: A Two-week Exploratory Project
June Bennett and Carol Kinne (Co-chairs), Howard Berkowitz, Krista Dhruv, Nadine Feiler, Stradine Harris, Troy Harris, Kirk La Rue, Dave Lowther, Traci Wright
Adolescent Readers
Geoff Meyers (Chair), Carolyn Cooper, Nadine Feiler, Elizabeth Hollister; Debbie Dolan (1 week)
Building an Inclusive Community: Social Class Identity at Park School
Obi Okobi and Paul Worley (Co-chairs), Valerie Brice-Brooks, Kanoe Bunney, Rich Espey, Jennifer Harbold, Christine Tillman, Dave Tracey; Traci Wright (consultant)
Evaluating the Investigations in Number, Data, and Space, 2nd Edition
Linda Brennan and Jan Kenny (Co-chairs), Dave Lowther, Marilyn Milton, Rosie Max, Debbie Silverman, Marcella Wilson; Jennifer Lee (2 weeks), Betty Medalie and Susannah Wolf (1 week)
Program Development for Chinese
Xiaomu Hu
Special gifts contributed to support of this project.
Technology and Modern Language
Christine Broening and Nancy Fink (Co-chairs), Fathim Craven, Nancy Fink, Ileana Imhoff, Charene Jones, Michelle Levin, Silvia Patterson, Pelle Wertheimer
Upper School Mathematics: Writing a New Curriculum-Year Three
Tony Asdourian (Chair), Arnaldo Cohen, Mimi Cukier, Marshall Gordon, Tim Howell, Bill Tabrisky, Anand Thakker
Special gifts contributed to support of this project.
Upper School Music: The Workbook
Adele Dinerstein and Doug Jameson
History of Park
Kevin Coll (Chair), Jon Acheson, Greg Brandt, Ann Haney, Cathy Schmidt, Julie Schwait, Kirk Wulf
An allocation from the Centennial Campaign provided partial support for this project.
Accelerated Biology: Curriculum Development and Implementation (2 weeks)
Jeff Jennings, Julie Rogers, Hadiya Woodham
Broadening the Conversation About Race V (1 week)
Elliott Huntsman and Traci Wright (Co-chairs)
Faculty: Ann Haney, Nancye Hesaltine, Charene Jones, Kirk La Rue, Bill Tabrisky, Anand Thakker
Staff: Joan Shaull
Taking Advantage of Tech (2 weeks)
Elliott Huntsman (Chair), Samira Phillips, Carolyn Sutton
Upper School Science: Development of a New Elective Course, Science and Religion (2 weeks)
Sean Lally
NAIS Institute for Leadership in Sustainability + 4-day Follow-up
Faculty: Dorrie Bright and Venuta Carulli
An Exploration and Application of Differentiated Learning in the Middle School Classroom
Liz Baker (Chair), Carolyn Cooper, Nadine Feiler, Paul Hulleberg, Rob Piper, Cathy Schmidt, Paul Worley; David Lowther (2 weeks)
Middle School Physical Education
Robin Cardin Lowe (Chair), Lucky Mallonee, Robin Willard
New Directions in World History
Daniel Jacoby (Chair), John Kessinger
Reading and Writing Non-Fiction in the Lower School
Marilyn Milton and Deborah Silverman (Co-chairs), Rosie Max, Courtney Rollins, Ann Starer, Marcella Wilson; Marla Hollandsworth (2 weeks)
Understanding and Supporting Park’s Multicultural Families
Kanoe Bunney and Elizabeth Hollister (Co-chairs), Stradine Cubera, Jennifer Harbold, Ellen Hoitsma, Carol Kinne
Faculty Artists
Nancye Hesaltine and Christine Tillman (Co-chairs), Susan Asdourian, Susan Brown, Garry Cerrone, Ann Haney; Terry Lansburgh (2 weeks); Carolyn Sutton (Admin)*
Individual Theater Project: Research and Development of One Woman Show Based on the Life of Gertrude Bell
Gina Braden
Individual Writing Project: West Meets East: Essays towards a History of the Mutual Influence of Chinese and American Poetry in the 20th Century
Kirk Wulf
Broadening the Conversation about Race (One week)
Elliott Huntsman and Silvia Patterson (Co-chairs)
Faculty: Howard Berkowitz, Linda Brennan, Susan Brown, Venuta Carulli, Tina Forbush, Geoff Meyers, Obi Okobi, Monica West, Paul Worley
Administrators: June Bennett, Traci Wright*
Interns: Chevee Crafton, Matthew Rankin**
Staff: Troy Harris*
*Administrators and staff, as twelve-month employees, do not receive FACA salaries.
** Interns are funded from the Intern Budget, not from FACA.
Chemistry: Curricular Modification and Faculty Development (One week)
Elliott Huntsman (Chair), Bob Carter, Julie Rogers
Physics I: Curriculum Development and Implementation (Two weeks)
Julie Rogers (Chair), Dorrie Bright, Bob Carter
Resources for a Better Understanding of Arab Issues and Cultures (One week)
Samira Saliba Phillips (Chair), Jon Acheson, Howard Berkowitz, Fathim Craven
TERC Workshop and One-week Follow-up Project
Jan Kenny and Obi Okobi (Co-chairs), Linda Brennan, Kanoe Bunney, Jennifer Lee, Courtney Rollins
Analytical Models
Kirk Wulf (Chair), Jon Acheson, Susan Asdourian, Howard Berkowitz, Daniel Jacoby, John Kessinger, Peter Warren
Grammar for Poets
Kevin Coll (Chair), Greg Brandt, Christine Broening, Carolyn Cooper, Fathim Craven, Geoff Meyers
Lower School Science
Julie Gill (Chair); 2 weeks: Emily Biscoe, Kanoe Bunney, Marla Hollandsworth, Jan Kenny, Rosie Max, Rani Wilder
Race and Curriculum in the Lower School
Debbie Silverman (Chair), Zella Adams, Sarah Chambliss, Stradine Cubera, Jenny Harbold, Marilyn Milton, Erica St. Bernard, Marcella Wilson; June Bennett (Consultant)
Scope and Sequence for Upper School Science
Bob Carter and Reuwai Hanewald (Co-chairs), Dorrie Bright, Elliott Huntsman, Jeff Jennings Julie Rogers
School Mathematics: Writing a New Curriculum
Tony Asdourian (Chair), Arnaldo Cohen, Mimi Cukier, Rina Foygel, Marshall Gordon, Tim Howell, Bill Tabrisky
Broadening the Conversation About Race III
June Bennett and Carol Kinne (Co-chairs, Group 1); Krista Dhruv and Traci Wright-Snipes (Co-chairs, Group 2)
Lower School: Hillary Barry, Kanoe Bunney, Sarah Chambliss, Stradine Cubera, Michelle Levin, Rosie Max, Marilyn Milton, Silvia Patterson, Courtney Rollins, Erica St. Bernard, Ann Starer, Rani Wilder, Marcella Wilson, Jo Anne Yamaka
Middle School: Liz Baker, Elizabeth Hollister, Dave Lowther, Carmen Nieto, Mirna Valerio, Mark Riding (Admin)
Upper School: Susan Asdourian, Greg Brandt, Christine Broening, Arnaldo Cohen, Kevin Coll, Tim Howell, Elliott Huntsman, Ileana Imhoff, Julie Rogers, Christine Tillman
Cross-divisional: Debbie R.
Ancient History: Research/Development of Unit on Africa
Cathy Schmidt
Book Project: Revealing Character: A Handbook for Teaching Characterization
Peter King
Science-Themed Plays
Rich Espey
Arts and Technology
Adele Dinerstein and Peter King (Co-Chairs), Howard Berkowitz, Gina Braden, Paul Hulleberg, Doug Jameson, John Trout, Peter Warren
French/ Spanish Sequential Curriculum
Christine Broening (Chair), Raymonde Arseneau, Fathim Craven, Ileana Imhoff, Mirna Valerio, Josh Wolf; Nancy Fink (three weeks), Carmen Nieto (two weeks)
Lower School Science
Julie Gill and Rob Piper (Co-Chairs), June Bennett-Williams, Jan Kenny, Marilyn Milton, Debbie Silverman, Jo Anne Yamaka. (Consultant: Emily Biscoe)
Senior Year
Tony Asdourian and Kevin Coll (Co-Chairs), Jon Acheson, Dorrie Bright, Marshall Gordon, Tim Howell
Broadening the Conversation about Race II (One week)
June Bennett-Williams, Beth Casey, Krista Dhruv, and Traci Wright-Snipes (Co-Chairs), Zella Adams, Edlyn Chao, Carolyn Cooper, Fathim Craven, Stradine Cubera, Nichelle Dowell, Nadine Feiler, Megan Ford, Erica Gibson-Conwell , Reuwai Hanewald, Marcia Holden, Jan Kenny, Carol Kinne, Michelle Nguyen, Silvia Patterson, Mark Riding, Debbie R., Mennette San-Lee, Cathy Schmidt, Debbie Silverman, Dave Tracey, Posey Valis, Rani Wilder, Jeff Zerhusen
Lower School Spanish Program Evaluation (Two weeks)
Michelle Levin (Chair), Silvia Patterson, Marcella Wilson
Antique Primer Illustrated Book
Ann Naito Haney
Book Project: Historical Novel
Tina Forbush
Writing Project: Essays
Gregory Brandt
An Exploration and Articulation of the Middle School Social Studies Program
Tom Malone and Cathy Schmidt (Co-Chairs); Nadine Feiler, Mike Fishback, Lucky Mallonee (2 weeks)
Assessment on Practice: Habits of Mind in the Upper School Mathematics Classroom and Curriculum
Bill Tabrisky (Chair), Tony Asdourian, Arnaldo Cohen, Marshall Gordon, Tim Howell
Context and World View
Daniel Jacoby (Chair), Jon Acheson, Pamela Fitzgibbon, John Kessinger, Peter Warren, Kirk Wulf
Faculty Writers
Kevin Coll (Chair), Rich Espey, Tina Forbush, Peter King, Marilyn Milton, Patricia Porcarelli, Deborah Silverman, Nicole Winner
Lower School Spanish Program Evaluation
Michelle Levin (Chair), Julie Gill, Ileana Imhoff, Marcella Wilson
Third Grade Reading
Emily Biscoe, Rosie Max; Jonathan Knowles (2 weeks)
Visual Arts
Susan Brown and Carolyn Sutton (Co-Chairs), Peter Bruun, Garry Cerrone, Denham Fassett, Ann Haney, Nancye Hesaltine, Terry Lansburg, Bill Mack
Broadening the Conversation About Race
Beth Casey and June Bennett-Williams (Co-Chairs), Emily Biscoe, Dorrie Bright, Stradine Cubera, Debbie Dolan, Jenny Harbold, Ellen Hoitsma, Tim Howell, Tom Malone, Traci Wright
Creating Computational Enrichment and Support for Students in Grades One Through Five
Jennifer Harbold, Deborah Silverman
Development of a Solo Performance and Discussion Series
Gina Braden
Life Science 8
Nancy Abrams, Rich Espey
Mathematica at Park: Basis of A Modern Approach to Calculus
Arnaldo Cohen
Memoir Project
Fathim Craven
Music and Mathematics: A Kindergarten-Middle School Project
David Lowther, Jo Anne Yamaka
Partners Program
Stradine Cubera, Carol Kinne, Traci Wright; Krista Dhruv (3 days)
Teaching Reading in French
Raymonde Arseneau, Christine Broening
Course in Curriculum Theory, Development and Implementation (Johns Hopkins University)
Liz Baker
Dalcroze Eurhythmics Workshop (Longy School of Music Summer Institute, Cambridge, MA)
Emily Liss
Dar al Islam Teachers Institute: Understanding and Teaching About Islam (Abiquiu, NM)
Howard Berkowitz
Making Learning Visible: Understanding, Documenting, and Supporting Individual and Group Learning (Harvard Graduate School of Education)
Hillary Barry, Susan Eisner
Stage Directions Magazine Summer Conference (New York)
John Trout
Patricia Porcarelli, Chair; Peter Babcox, Arnaldo Cohen, Ann Haney, Tim Howell, Ileana Imhoff
Faculty Writers
Kevin Coll, Chair; Howard Berkowitz, Gregory Brandt, Christine Broening, Anne Fogg, Peter King, Anna Nichols, Laura Schlitz, Kirk Wulf
Lower School Language Arts: Kindergarten Through Third Grade
Marilyn Milton and Deborah Silverman, Co-chairs; Rosie Max, Maili Shaffer, Jo Anne Yamaka; June Bennett-Williams, Ellen Hoitsma and Ann Starer (1 week)
Social Curriculum
Zella Adams, Chair; Bart Cook, Stradine Cubera, Jenny Harbold, Betsy Leighton; Jonathan Knowles (3 weeks)
Understanding Young Adolescent Learners
Cathy Schmidt, Chair; Liz Baker, Mike Fishback, Mark Riding, Dave Tracey, Jeff Zerhusen; Betty Medalie (1 week). Consultant: Deborah Dolan
Chamber Music Workshop and Study
Samira Phillips
Project Zero Institute (Harvard Graduate School of Education)
Oliver Reid
Revision of the Sixth Grade Foreign Language Program
Sarah Guzman
Shakespeare’s Tempest: An Integrated Ninth Grade Curriculum
Kevin Coll, Chair; Peter King, John Trout
Spanish Study in Guatemala: Instituto Central America
Michelle Levin
Assuring Equity in Mathematics
Tim Howell & Anna Nichols, Co-chairs; Howard Berkowitz, Arnaldo Cohen
Developing a Second Grade Spelling Program
Marilyn Milton, Deborah Silverman
Faculty Portfolios
Greg Brandt, Chair; Emily Biscoe, Nadine Feiler, Anne Fogg, Tina Forbush, Ellen Hoitsma, Patti Porcarelli, Dave Tracey
Interdisciplinary Study in the Upper School
Kevin Coll, Chair; Jon Acheson, John Kessinger, Carolyn Sutton, Bill Tabrisky, Peter Warren
Middle School Mathematics
David Lowther, Chair; Betty Medalie, Jeff Zerhusen
Physical Education: The Eighth Grade Year Plus
Robin Cardin Lowe, Chair; Lucky Mallonee, Barb Purkey, George Tamaris
Promoting French
Christine Broening, Fathim Craven
Service and Community at Park School
Julie Webers, Stradine Cubera, Ileana Imhoff, Carol Kinne, Traci Wright
Upper School Science: Evaluating and Revising Science 9 and Exploring Scope and Sequence, Grades 9-12
Paul Moos, Chair; Bob Carter (2 weeks), David Chalfoun (2 weeks), Chris Pickens, Ellen Reynolds (2 weeks)
Spanish Curriculum Grades K-5: Revision of Program Goals and Assessment(2 weeks)
Sarah Guzman, Michelle Levin, Regina Romeu-Watson
The Stories of Our Lives: Faculty Writings on Diversity (1 week)
Rebecca Malone, Chair; Fathim Craven, Denham Fassett, Nadine Feiler
Towards a Lower School Mathematics Curriculum: Part Two (1 week)
Beth Casey, Jan Kenny, Co-chairs; Peter Babcox, Bonnie Bain, Hillary Barry, June Bennett-Williams, Susan Koh, Maili Shaffer, Ann Starer, Posey Valis, Melpa Warres, Jo Anne Yamaka
Upper School Science: Implementation of the AP Environmental Science Curriculum (Institute + One Week)
David Chalfoun, Ellen Reynolds
Anonymous Requiem: An Art Project Proposal
Peter Bruun
Immigrant Girl: A Memoir
Lydia Okutoro
Writing Project
Laura Schlitz
Creating an Assessment Framework for the Teaching of Reading and Writing in the Middle School
Rebecca Malone, Chair; Debbie Dolan, Nadine Feiler, Robbye Horowicz, Lydia Okutoro
Creation of a “Living Textbook” and a Standardized Rehearsal and Design Process for the Eighth Grade Production Course
Gina Braden, John Trout
Developing a New Ninth Grade Science Program
Paul Moos, Chair; Bob Carter, David Chalfoun, Christopher Pickens, Ellen Reynolds, Julie Webers (Julie Webers for two weeks)
Faculty Portfolios
Gregory Brandt, Chair; Howard Berkowitz, Christine Broening, Kevin Coll, Laura Schlitz, Jeff Zerhusen
First Grade Reading Project
Ann Starer & Karleen Tyksinski, Co-chairs; June Bennett-Williams, Megan Ford, Susan Koh, Maili Shaffer (Megan Ford for one week)
Gender Issues in Mathematics
Tim Howell, Chair; Michael Long, Betty Medalie, Anna Nichols, Oliver Reid
Habitat for Humanity: A Community Effort to Build Good Houses and Strong Families
Julie Webers & Elisa Weidenbaum, Co-chairs Jon Acheson, Peter Babcox, Stradine Cubera, Carol Kinne, Traci Wright (Three-week project; Julie Webers for two weeks)
Lower School Spanish: Development of Curriculum for Grades 2 & 5; Curriculum Revision for Grades K, 1, 3 & 4; Development of Curricular Project: Grade 2
Michelle Levin, Chair; Julie Gill, Marilyn Milton, Regina Romeu-Watson, Debbie Silverman (Julie Gill and Regina Romeu-Watson for two weeks)
Studio Art Project: Collecting Myself, Bundles of Perception, Excavations
Ann Haney
Completion of Supplements to Upper School Mathematics Program CMIC (Two-week project)
Bill Tabrisky, Chair; Arnaldo Cohen, Tim Howell, Oliver Reid (Arnaldo Cohen for one week)
Expansion of the Alcohol/Drug Education Program in the Upper School (One-week project)
Dave Tracey, Chair; Margarita Gurri, Debbie R.
The Stories of Our Lives: Faculty Writings on Diversity (One-week project)
Lydia Okutoro, Chair; Jane Boarman, Stradine Cubera, Carol Kinne, Rebecca Malone, Melpa Warres
Towards a Lower School Mathematics Curriculum: Part One (One-week project)
Beth Casey & Jan Kenny, Co-chairs; Emily Biscoe, Jane Boarman, Julie Gill, Jennifer Harbold, Ellen Hoitsma, Rosie Max, Anna Nichols, Sharen Pula
Faculty Portfolios
Greg Brandt, Chair; Jon Acheson, Beth Casey, Jane Ely, Lisa Fineman, Marshall Gordon, Ellen Reynolds
Laboratory Inquiry: The Heart of Science Learning
Julie Webers, Chair; Bob Carter, David Chalfoun, Paul Moos
Lower School Foreign Language: Spanish Curriculum/Cuernevaca Institute
Christine Broening, Chair; Anne Fogg, Sarah Guzman, Michelle Levin, Regina Romeu-Watson, Karleen Tyksinski
Middle/Upper School Music
Adele Dinerstein, Paul Hulleberg; Bruce Bryant (one week)
Second Grade Project on Reading Comprehension
Marilyn Milton, Chair; June Bennett-Williams, Ellen Hoitsma, Deborah Silverman
Supplements to Eighth and Ninth Grade Mathematics Programs
Tim Howell, Chair; Oliver Reid, Bill Tabrisky, Jeffrey Zerhusen
Technical Theater Curriculum
John Trout
Book Project: A Feminist Reading of Freud’s Totem and Taboo
Monique Shapiro
Completion of Doctoral Thesis: Catharine Maria Sedgwick and the Education of a Nation
Patricia Porcarelli
Reggio Emilia Research/Institute
Hillary Barry
Short Stories and the Writing Process
Kevin Coll
Individual Assessment of Student Performance (follow-up project)
Deborah Dolan, Susan Koh
Lower School Music (follow-up project)
Bruce Bryant, Emily Liss
Middle School Scheduling
Nancy Abrams & Rebecca Malone, Co-chairs; Gina Braden, Deborah Dolan, Nadine Feiler, Deborah Handy, Paul Hulleberg, Samira Phillips, Barbara Purkey, Bonnie Rosenblatt, Zachary White, Jeffrey Zerhusen
Project Zero (Institute, Harvard Graduate School of Education & One-week On-campus)
Jane Ely, Chair; Howard Berkowitz, Tina Forbush, Michael Long, Zachary White
Developing Mathematical Ideas: Refining Implementation of the TERC Curriculum in Lower School
Jan Kenny & Anna Nichols, Co-chairs; Jennifer Harbold, Marilyn Milton, Rob Piper (Two-week grants for all, plus two-week attendance at “Developing Mathematical Ideas Leadership Program” for Jan Kenny, Anna Nichols, Marilyn Milton)
Guidance/Advisory III: Strengthening Affective Education Initiatives in the Middle & Lower Schools
Zella Adams, Deborah R., David Tracey (Four-week grant for Deborah R.; two-week grants for Zella Adams & David Tracey)
Individual Assessment of Student Performance
Deborah Dolan & Susan Koh
Kindergarten Project
Peter Babcox & Jo Anne Yamaka, Co-chairs; Bonnie Bain, Hillary Barry, Regina Romeu-Watson, Melpa Warres
Lower School Foreign Language/Spanish Curriculum
Christine Broening & Anne Fogg, Co-chairs; Ellen Hoitsma; Nancy Fink and Michelle Levin for one week
Mathematics: Grades 8-12
Tim Howell, Chair; Jack Bigelow, MiChelle Carpenter-Smith, Marshall Gordon, William Tabrisky; David Lowther for two weeks
Ninth Grade History
Peter Golding, Chair; Jon Acheson, John Trout
Visual Arts
Bill Mack, Chair; Susan Weingast Brown, Ann Haney
Writer’s Handbook for Middle School Students
Nadine Feiler, Deborah Handy; Rebecca Malone for one week
Professional Development Grant
GIS Technology
Ellen Reynolds
One-Week Follow-Up Grants
Middle School Computer Curriculum/Text
Samira Saliba Phillips
Project Zero (Harvard Graduate School of Education)
Kevin Coll, Chair; Nancy Abrams, Emily Biscoe, Gregory Brandt, Marcia Holden, Noreen Potempa (One-week grant, plus one-week attendance at “The Project Zero Summer Institute” 99′)
In 1998 two new categories of grants were established to meet emerging needs. To balance the emphasis on group curricular projects, professional development grants support individual faculty immersion in their own disciplines, without immediate reference to curricular applications. One-week follow-up grants provide a vehicle for revision and extension of previous FACA work.
Eighth Grade Science Program
Zachary White
English Department Writing Project
Kevin Coll, Chair; Gregory Brandt, Peter Golding (one week)
Enrichment Programs in Lower School Mathematics
Tim Howell, Chair; Peter Babcox, Hillary Barry, Beth Casey, Anne Fogg, Jan Kenny, Anna Nichols, Bonnie Rosenblatt, Karleen Tyksinski
Geographical Information Systems/Forestry Unit
Jack Bigelow, Ellen Reynolds, Jan Morrison (one week)
Guidance/Advisory II
Deborah R., David Tracey, Co-Chairs; Zella Adams, Deborah Dolan, Carol Kinne, Joan McCready
Lower School Music Curriculum
Bruce Bryant, Emily Liss
Mapping Middle School Writing and Research
Nadine Feiler, Robbye Horowicz, Co-Chairs; MiChelle Carpenter, Deborah Handy
Second Grade Proposal: Theme of Community
Deborah Silverman, Chair; Ellen Hoitsma, Marilyn Milton
Historical Research: Work with Archival Materials at the Maryland Historical Society
Jon Acheson
Book/Journal on Researching and Writing a Work of Fiction on Medieval Greenland for Children
Laura Schlitz
Park School Philosophy and the Classroom Environment
Howard Berkowitz and Marshall Gordon
Children’s Book on Tools
Megan Ford
Work with New York Theater Troupe: Development of a Performance Piece
Gina Braden
Foreign Language: Follow-up on Middle School Program
Christine Broening, Chair; Jennifer Eisberg, Nancy Fink, Carlos Alvelo (3 days)
Middle and Upper School Music
Adele Dinerstein, Chair; Phyllis Goldstein, Paul Hulleberg
Seventh Grade Physical Science: Revision of Manual
MiChelle Carpenter and Ellen Schwindt
K-2 Writing Project
Susan Benedict & Marilyn Milton, Co-chairs; Hillary Barry, Megan Ford, Ellen Hoitsma, Susan Koh, Sara Pickett, Noreen Potempa, Regina Romeu-Watson, Deborah Silverman, Karleen Tyksinski, Melpa Warres, June Bennett Williams, Jo Anne Yamaka
Lower School Non-Fiction Writing
Wendy Owen, Chair; Beth Casey, Julie Gill
Third Grade Theme Studies
Marcia Holden & Emily Biscoe, Co-chairs; Susan Weingast Brown, Anna Nichols
Fourth Grade Science
Robert Piper, Chair; Anne Fogg, Janet Kenny, Hunter Nesbitt
Middle School Science
Jan Morrison, Chair; MiChelle Carpenter, Ellen Schwindt, Zachary White
Jack Bigelow, Tim Howell
Oral History
John Roemer, Chair; Jon Acheson, Christine Broening, Rachelle Work
Middle School Advisory/Guidance
Joan McCready & Deborah R., Co-chairs Zella Adams, Deborah Dolan, Carol Kinne, David Tracey
Design/Engineering Initiative
Jan Morrison, Bill Mack, Co-chairs; Jack Bigelow, MiChelle Carpenter, Garry Cerrone, Marshall Gordon, Tim Howell, David Lowther, Anna Nichols, Brian Rogan, Lou Rosenblatt, Jeff Zerhusen
Early Childhood Teaching and Learning: Science in the Primary Grades
Susan Koh, Chair; Peter Babcox, Hillary Barry, Susan Benedict, Megan Ford, Carol Kinne, Rob Piper, Noreen Potempa, Deborah R., Karleen Tyksinski, Melpa Warres
Foreign Language: Middle School Initiative
Christine Broening, Mariana Past
Interdisciplinary Unit: Biology and Mathematics
Eric Bondy, Ellen Reynolds
Lower School Assessment: Year Two
Beth Casey, Ellen Xanders, Co-chairs; Anne Fogg, Julie Gill, Marcia Holden, Jan Kenny, Wendy Owen
Middle School Curriculum Project on Latin America
Gina Braden, Robbye Horowicz, Co-chairs; Sally Davidson, Ann Haney, Joan McCready
Laura Schlitz
Design, Engineering and Building Models
Jan Morrison, Samira Saliba Phillips, Co-chairs; Nancy Abrams, Jack Bigelow, MiChelle Carpenter, Marshall Gordon, David Lowther, Bill Mack, Jeff Zerhusen
Essential History
Butch Ashman, Brooks Lakin, John Roemer
Exploratory Foreign Language Project on Oral Proficiency
Christine Broening, Josh Wolf
Exploring the Connections Between Middle and Upper School Writing
Nadine Feiler, Wendy Owen, Co-chairs; Howard Berkowitz, Sally Davidson, Elaine Lloyd-Hudgins, Rachelle Work
Lower School Assessment
Marcia Holden, Chair; Susan Benedict, Emily Biscoe, Beth Casey, Megan Ford, Anne Fogg, Jan Kenny
Lower School Assessment: Analysis of Admissions and Guidance Documents
Zella Adams
Music Department Project
Adele Dinerstein, Chair; Paul Hulleberg, Lynnell Lewis, Emily Liss
Understanding Racial Issues for Park Students
Robbye Horowicz, Carol Kinne, Co-chairs Noreen Potempa, Barbara Purkey, Monique Shapiro
Alternative School Calendars and Creative Scheduling
Jack Bigelow, Bob Carter
Ancient Civilizations: A Fourth Grade Core Curriculum
Anne Fogg, Chair; Jan Kenny, Hunter Nesbitt, Ellen Xanders
Computer/Technology Use
Samira Phillips
Robbye Horowicz, Noreen Potempa, Monique Shapiro, Co-chairs; Howard Berkowitz, Sanna Henderer, Carol Kinne, Barbara Purkey, Ellen Reynolds, Perthean Toins-Banks, Rachelle Work
Integration of Visual Arts with Thematic Studies
Georgia Chantiles-Ruby
Lower School Science
Emily Biscoe, Sharen Pula, Co-chairs; Peter Babcox, Megan Ford, Julie Gill, Marcia Holden, Marilyn Milton, Jan Morrison, Bonnie Rosenblatt, Lou Rosenblatt, Meg Zerhusen
Computer-Aided Design
Garry Cerrone, Bill Mack
Lower School Science Program
Bonnie Rosenblatt, Chair; Peter Babcox, Hillary Barry, Emily Biscoe, Anne Fogg, Julie Gill, Jan Kenny, Susan Koh, Sharen Pula, Lou Rosenblatt
Middle and Upper School Mathematics
Marshall Gordon, Jeff Zerhusen, Co-chairs Jack Bigelow, Bob Cushman, Paul Hulleberg, Webster Johnson, Audrey Lim
Moral Education
John Roemer, Chair; Megan Ford, Brooks Lakin, Deborah R., Rachelle Work
Cross-divisional Science Project
Julie Gill, Samira Saliba Phillips, Co-chairs; Peter Babcox, Bob Carter, Anne Fogg, Jean McBean, Ellen Reynolds, Lou Rosenblatt
Gender and Literature in the Middle School
Robbye Horowicz
The Joy of Teaching Sex: A Guide for Parents and Teachers
Deborah R.
Learning Through Language: A Proposal to Examine Theory and Practice
Nadine Feiler, Chair; Hillary Barry, Marcia Holden, Barbara Hoyt, Richard Johnson, Susan Koh, Sharen Pula, Peter Warren, Rachelle Work
Community Service
John Roemer, Chair; Peter Babcox, Bonnie Rosenblatt, Peter Warren
Gender Issues
Ellen Reynolds, Chair; Butch Ashman, Howard Berkowitz, Emily Biscoe, Stephen Brown, Bob Carter, Megan Ford, Robbye Horowicz, Lucky Mallonee, Deborah R.
Testing Extended Analysis of Student and Group Data
Jack Bigelow, Jeff Zerhusen
Primary/Elementary Mathematics
Marshall Gordon, Sharen Pula, Co-Chairs Hillary Barry, Emily Biscoe, Anne Fogg, Julie Gill, Susan Koh, Bonnie Rosenblatt
Tests and Measurements
Jack Bigelow, Chair; Paul Hulleberg, Bill Mack, Jeff Zerhusen
Middle School Computer Textbook
Samira Saliba Phillips
Marshall Gordon, Chair; Jack Bigelow, Carol Bouma, Larry Gilbert, Robbye Horowicz, Judy Jablon, Marilyn Milton, Sharen Pula, Jeff Zerhusen