Two Upper School Students Discuss Their Research on Dan Rodricks’ Roughly Speaking Podcast


As part of an Independent Study this year, seniors Rebecca Margolis and Catie Turner examined the history of lynchings that occurred in Maryland in the 19th and 20th centuries, and were recently featured on Dan Rodricks’ Roughly Speaking podcast to discuss their research into five cases that occurred in Maryland. The episode is titled: “The hanging noose: Maryland’s history of lynchings” (episode 260).

The two seniors began researching the history of lynchings in Maryland as part of a larger group of Park students who have been investigating Maryland lynchings for a documentary film project of Baltimore producer Will Schwarz. Advised by Upper School history teacher Daniel Jacoby, the two seniors wanted to “conduct more in-depth historical research and to create an accessible resource on the subject,” and so they embarked on an Independent Study, ultimately creating a pamphlet that provides a picture of the legacy of lynching in Maryland.

“Our shared interest in the intersection between historical research and civil rights heavily influenced our research and writing process,” noted Margolis and Turner in the pamphlet’s introduction. “One experience that particularly sparked further engagement with the subject of this pamphlet was the school’s annual Civil Rights Trip, a collaborative trip between three Baltimore high schools…Participants spend a week visiting museums and memorials, speaking with activists, and engaging in conversations about race, class and education, while traveling by bus through the deep south.”

Margolis and Turner continued on in the introduction, noting that, “Although difficult and painful to study, lynching had an incalculable impact on both individual lives and Maryland politics, and the legacy of lynching remains relevant in today’s world.”

Click HERE to listen to the Roughly Speaking podcast featuring Margolis and Turner.

If you’d like a pamphlet, please email Upper School history teacher Daniel Jacoby (

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