Megan Philippi ’14 Writes Winning Monologue in Statue Stories Chicago Writing Competition


A second year undergraduate student at the University of Chicago, Megan Philippi ’14 entered the Statue Stories Chicago Writing Competition for the unique opportunity to voice one of the city’s iconic statues. Out of more than 500 entries for three statues, Megan’s Brachiosaurus monologue was selected as one of the winning pieces in the competition. Way to go, Megan!

Developed in collaboration with the City of Chicago and Chicago Park district, The Richard H. Driehaus Foundation has funded arts producers Sing London to animate 30 statues in total across the city. Visitors need only swipe their smartphones on a nearby tag and will receive a “call back” from Abe Lincoln, Paul Laurence Dunbar, or the Brachiosaurus! The statues will talk for a year starting in August 2015.

A Theater and Performance Studies major, Megan was tasked with crafting a monologue that adopted the persona of the character, shared a story, reached new audiences, and referred to the location and surroundings of the statue, among other things. Tony Award-winning actor Brian Dennehy voiced Megan’s piece: “Working with Megan Philippi to give an intelligent and reflective voice to The Field Museum’s Brachiosaurus was uniquely rewarding,” he said. “I love Chicago. It’s got an energy like no other place – and only in Chicago would I be invited to play a dinosaur!” 

If in Chicago this summer, visit The Field Museum and give the Brachiosaurus a call!

Click HERE for more information.

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