Park Camps Additional Details

Lunch and Snacks

Campers can purchase lunch for the week or bring their own lunch. Lunch is not available for purchase on a daily basis. Lunch can be purchased up until the Thursday before your camp begins. Families can view the lunch menu and add it to their registration in CampBrain. Campers should bring their own snacks to eat during morning and afternoon breaks.

Drop-Off and Pick-Up Procedures

  •  MORNING DROP-OFF takes place from 8:15 to 8:30 a.m. AFTERNOON PICK-UP takes place from 3:15 to 3:30 p.m. For half-day campers (Cubs only), pick-up takes place between 12:45 to 1 p.m.
  •  EXTENDED CARE (NEW for summer 2025): Extended Care runs from 3:15–5:30 p.m. The cost for Extended Care is $100 per week and takes place in the Kindergarten Building.
    Note: Extended Care for School’s Out Sports Camps will take place in the Blaustein Gym I. Families that register for Extended Care will receive detailed information, including pick-up procedures, before camp begins.
  •  SCHOOL’S OUT SPORTS CAMP (June 10-13; June 16-20), drop-off and pick-up takes place in the Athletic Center Parking Lot. Follow the signs to the carpool line, which will take place at the Athletic Center entrance. 
  •  ALL CAMPS that run June 23-August 1: 
    •  Drop-off and pick-up for the Cubs campers takes place at the Kindergarten building. NOTE: You will have to re-enter the carpool line if picking up an older camper. 
    •  Drop-Off for all other camps (Bears, Bruins, Specialty Camps, CIT, and Adventure Camps) take place at the overhang of the main building. Once you turn onto Park School Drive, continue straight down the hill until you get to the overhang. The carline will be on the right side of the road at the bottom of the hill. 
    •  Pick-up for Bears and Bruins campers will take place at the same location as drop-off. 
    •  Pick-up for Specialty Camps, CIT, and Adventure Camps takes place at the Middle School carpool lane with the green awning. Follow the signs in the parking lot to ensure you go to the correct pick-up line. NOTE: Families that have siblings in different groups will pick-up at the OLDER sibling location, as our staff will ensure that the younger sibling joins the older one at that location. 
    •  On your first day of camp, campers will receive two carpool cards. Display this card on the passenger side dashboard or visor so that the counselors can see who you are picking up. This is very important so that we can radio ahead and have your child ready to hop in. If you are picking up more than one child, please display each child’s name. Need additional cards? No problem. Email
    • Please DO NOT exit your car during drop-off or pick-up. Camp staff oversees drop-off and pick-up to ensure that it happens safely and efficiently, and counselors help campers get into or out of cars and buckle into seat belts if necessary. If you need extra time at drop-off or pick-up, please park your car and walk over to drop off or pick up your child. 
    • Email Park Camps to share specific information about late drop-offs, early pick-ups and/or change of pick-up person. We ask that this information is shared as far in advance as possible so that we can plan accordingly. If sharing information about a late drop-off or early pick-up on the day itself, please call the camp office at 410-339-4120. All late arrivals and early pick-ups will take place at the Lower School drop-off circle.

What to Wear and What to Bring to Camp

  • Families should label EVERYTHING (clothes, water bottles, etc.) with the camper’s first and last name. 
  • Campers should come prepared for active outdoor activities. Clothes should be comfortable and suitable for situations that may produce soil, grass, or water stains and the wear and tear of normal play and learning. Swim gear, including water shoes and goggles, are essential. 
  • Please leave all valuables, toys, and electronics at home. Each camper will be assigned a cubby to store belongings. 
  • A complete change of clothes, including underwear, shirt, shorts, and pants that will be kept at camp. A bathing suit, towel, and swim goggles. Campers should also bring ear plugs, a hair cap, and/or hair tie if they typically use those when swimming. Per pool safety rules, no flotation devices or life vests are allowed, so please do not bring them to camp. NOTE: Cubs and Bears should wear swimwear to camp each day to be prepared for swimming and/or water play. 
  • A pair of closed-toed shoes, comfortable for running around and active play. 
  • Water shoes or old tie-on shoes for stream walking.
  • Water bottle 
  • Hat
  • Snacks (at least two per day, one for morning break and one for afternoon break) 
  • If bringing lunch, include a cold pack (refrigeration and microwaves NOT available) 
  • Sunscreen (Note: All campers should apply sunscreen BEFORE they come to camp each day.) 
  • For School’s Out Sports Camp (June 11-14; June 17-21) Only: None of the following materials are required, but if campers have them and would like to bring them, they are welcome to do so: 
    • Soccer/Lacrosse Cleats 
    • Lacrosse stick 
  • All lost and found items will be held in the Lower School office. Park Camps is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.

Nurse Information

We have a nurse on site that supports any health issues that emerge during the day. Our health team also reviews all forms and communicates with families that have questions or need to drop-off medication before camp begins. If you need to get in touch with the nurse — either before or during camp — email


We will send families an email the week before camp begins with reminders about what to expect each week.

Frequently Asked Questions

Regular camp hours are 8:30 a.m. to 3:15 p.m. 

Drop-off runs from 8:15-8:30 a.m.; Pick-up runs from 3:15-3:30 p.m. 

Cubs Half Day hours are 8:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. 

Call the Camp Office at 410-339-4120 to let us know. For late arrivals, call the Camp Office upon arrival. For early pickups, also call the Camp Office and we will locate your camper’s den and inform your camper/s and their counselors that you are arriving for early pick-up. We will walk your camper/s out to your car. Late arrivals and early pick-ups take place at the Lower School circle outside the Pearlstone Building. 

Payment, Forms, Drop-off, and Pick-up: or 410-339-4120 

Policies and Procedures: Camp Director Nicole Scott (


No, we do not provide snacks. Please send your camper with adequate food and snacks. 

If you suspect your child may be coming down with a cold or other illness or seems especially tired, we urge you to keep them home until they are able to cope with the rigors of our active camp day. If your child will be absent or late for any reason, please call the camp office at 410-339-4120, and either speak with someone or leave a message.

NEW for summer 2025, families can register for afternoon Extended Care from 3:15–5:30 p.m. We do not have an early morning drop-off option. Families must drop-off between 8:15–8:30 a.m.


Registration opens on December 13 and takes place in CampBrain. First time users of the system will need to create an account, using an email address and password. Once the account is created, families can continue to use this login for future use to register for camps, add parent and/or guardian information, or pay off camp balances.


*Discounts can be combined, if applicable.

Early Bear DiscountRegister your child(ren) by January 31, 2025 and receive a $50 discount. No code required (one per camper). 
Sibling DiscountThe more the merrier! Families registering more than one child in Park Camps will receive a $50 discount for the second and each subsequent child(ren). No code required.
New Camper DiscountNew to Park Camps? Each new camper will receive a $50 discount.
Use code NEWCAMPER25 when registering.
Adventure Camps DiscountTake 20% off registration when you register for two or more Adventure Camps. Use code ADVENTURE when registering.

Camp Registration Minimums

Our Specialty Camps and CIT Camp all have minimum registrations needed in order to run.

*Specialty Camps: 10 registrations

*CIT Camp: 10 registrations

Decisions about whether these camps will run will be made by April 15. If a camp does not run due to low enrollment, families can either get a full refund or transfer into a different camp at no additional charge.

Payment and Refund Policies

  • A $100 non-refundable deposit per child is due at the time of registration.
  • If a family requests a refund for any reason before May 1, the family will receive a refund for any payments made (except for the $100 non-refundable deposit).
  • Full payment is due at registration for any sign-ups starting on May 1.
  • Full payment for all campers must be received by May 1 in order to secure their space in camp.
  • All camper forms must be completed by May 1.
  • If families have not made full payment by May 1, their space in camp is jeopardized. Park will begin contacting waitlist families for any spaces that have not been secured with full payment by May 1.
  • Campers will not be permitted to participate in camp until full payment has been made and all forms are completed.
  • Between May 1 and one week before a specific camp begins, families can receive a 50% refund of the camp tuition if they withdraw from camp.
    • Example: If a camper is registered for camp the week of June 23-27 and withdraws on June 4, the family would get a refund of $250.00 (50% of the $500 tuition).
  • There are no refunds provided if a camper withdraws for any reason (including but not limited to: illness; family vacations; sports schedules; changes to a camper’s personal schedule) within one week of the camp start date.
  • Families can change their registration (i.e. move from one week to a different week) at no charge. However, registrations can only be moved if space is available and those camp(s) aren’t already at full capacity.
  • If Park cancels a camp, families will receive a full refund or can use the tuition paid to enroll in another Park camp at no additional charge.
  • Park does not prorate the cost of camp for partial attendance or absences.


If a camp is at full capacity, parents can register for the waitlist in CampBrain at no charge. If a space opens in the camp, we will contact you and provide 24 hours to secure your spot in the camp. After 24 hours, we will contact the next family on the waitlist.


If you have questions or require additional information, please email