Paul Worley

Middle School Social Studies Chair

Paul teaches social studies in Middle School and chairs the department. He supports Advoc8 and other interdisciplinary experiential projects, and enjoys going on any and all field trips.

Paul is an Upper School debate coach, semi-retired Middle School tennis coach, semi-retired Middle School cross country coach, Advocaptain (Advoc8 teacher), and co-leader of the white anti-racist ally group.

Before Park, Paul taught Social Studies and Language Arts 6-8 at Brisbane Academy in Charlotte, North Carolina, and has been teaching Social Studies at Park since 2006.

Paul earned a B.A. in History and Anthropology from Davidson College. He is an avid hiker, reader, and traveler, and the father of two Park students in the Classes of 2035 and 2037.

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Paul Worley
Middle School Social Studies Chair
At Park since 2006
Davidson College B.A. in History and Anthropology