Nathalie Behrens

Upper School French and Spanish

Nathalie teaches Spanish and French in the Upper School. She is part of the Mentors club, and advises the Ski Club and the Roots Club.

At the beginning of her career, Nathalie worked in her hometown of Caracas, Venezuela, at a school with kids with special needs. She then became the coordinator of the Volunteer Department at the Children Orthopedic Hospital, where she developed educational and recreational activities for the hospitalized kids. After leaving Venezuela, Nathalie taught Spanish and French in Language Institutes in Germany and substituted in schools in Switzerland. She taught Spanish in Upper School at the American School in Saudi Arabia, and subbed and taught in other independent schools here in Baltimore before coming to Park.

Nathalie has a B.A. in Special Education with a minor in Cognitive Development and Learning Disabilities from Venezuela Colegio Universitario de PsicopedagogĆ­a.

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Nathalie Behrens
Upper School French and Spanish
At Park since 2019
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Venezuela Colegio Universitario de Psicopedagogía B.A. in Special Education