Lauren Blum ’93

Upper School and Park Connects Administrative Assistant

Lauren supports the Upper School Dean of Students, the Upper School Principal, and all members of the Upper School (faculty and students).

She helps students with anything and everything, including reminding them which classes they have, and helping to locate lost phones. Lauren also supports our Park Connects programming. Before joining Park’s Upper School, Lauren worked part-time in the Parents’ Association office. Prior to working at Park, she worked in community and employee wellness, and was a stay-at-home parent for many years.

After graduating from Park with the Class of 1993, Lauren earned a B.S. in Community Health Education from the University of Maryland, College Park, and an M.S. in Health Science Administration from Towson University. She is the parent of a Park alum in the Class of 2023 and a student in the Class of 2027.

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Lauren Blum ’93
Upper School and Park Connects Administrative Assistant
At Park since 2015
Park Class of 1993
Contact Info
University of Maryland, College Park B.S. in Community Health Education
Towson University M.S. in Health Science Administration