Katrina Holmberg

Lower School Assistant Principal

Katrina is the Lower School Assistant Principal; she has been teaching young children since 1994.

She has taught in numerous settings, and has been at Park since 2007. After working in the library and Kindergarten, she landed in the second grade in 2011. Katrina says, ā€œI can honestly say that every day in the classroom has offered laughter, connection, poetry, and flow.ā€

Katrina is a strong advocate for, and practitioner of, practices that ensure inclusion of all students. An excerpt from Katrinaā€™s statement to the Lower School Assistant Principal search committee:

“I am committed to educating myself on issues related to social justice, diversity, and identity. We want our children to feel totally embraced as they grow into the people they are. We want them to feel confident that they are appreciated for all that they bring, and that they are supported as they learn about themselves. In order to do this for children, we need to be talking, listening, and learning ourselves.”

During her time at Park, Katrina has engaged in numerous FACA (our endowed Faculty and Curricular Advancement program) professional development sessions including Broadening the Conversation About Race, Word Study, TERC Math, Sexuality Education in the Lower School, and Joy as an Act of Resistance. She has served on many Lower School and school-wide committees, and, for the last two years, she has been the Faculty Representative to the Board of Trustees.

She is part of a ukulele club and, as many can attest, is a wonderful singer.

Before moving to Baltimore, she taught in Portland, Oregon, New York City, and Concord, Massachusetts.

Katrina earned a B.A. in Psychology from Vassar College, and an M.A. in Developmental Psychology from Columbia Universityā€™s Teachers College. She is the parent, along with Middle School teacher Geoff Meyers, of two Park alumni in the Classes of 2020 and 2022.

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Katrina Holmberg
Lower School Assistant Principal
At Park since 2007
Contact Info
Vassar College B.A. in Psychology
Columbia University M.A. in Developmental Psychology