Elliott Huntsman

Upper School Dean of Students

Elliott is our Upper School Dean of Students.

He taught science at Park 2004–2023, and has served as Upper School Science Department Chair as well as Interim Upper School Dean of Students.

Elliott is keenly interested in how students grow, learn, and work together. During his tenure as a classroom teacher, he always sought to be involved in the structural aspects of student life — supporting, leading, and designing initiatives to enhance the student experience. He has facilitated tough conversations about race and gender, designed Wellness courses on tech health and understanding identity, directed a cappella groups, and coached Ultimate Frisbee and basketball. He has drafted models for four-year diversity curricula, helped construct a cross-school Baltimore Civil Rights Experience, and led assemblies on stress, the science behind illegal drugs, structural racism, and careers in science.

As a science teacher, Elliott specialized in chemistry and related topics. He introduced Organic Chemistry, Molecular Gastronomy, and Environmental Chemistry to the school, and co-developed Core 10 and Forensics.

He serves on the Board Committee on Compensation and Benefits and as an Upper School DEI Coordinator.

“I’m working on a better understanding of restorative practices for students and colleagues and on helping all of us to do the work of equity and inclusion. I also love singing, talking about music, and learning about the science of food and cooking!”

A brief stint in the pharmaceutical industry preceded his move to teaching at Park. Elliott earned a B.S. in Chemistry from Yale University and an M.A. in Education – Independent School Leadership from the Klingenstein Center of Columbia University’s Teachers College. He is the parent of a Park student in the Class of 2031. 

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Elliott Huntsman
Upper School Dean of Students
At Park since 2004
Yale University B.S. in Chemistry
Columbia University M.A. in Education – Independent School Leadership