Edwin Gordon ā€™04

Counseling Instructor

Edwin is a Counseling Instructor, working with students in Lower, Middle, and Upper School. He teaches SEAL (the Middle School’s social and emotional learning program) for Grades 6 and 8, and meets with students individually across all divisions. His goal is to ensure that “every child feels seen.” 

A three-sport athlete at Park himself, Edwin coaches soccer, basketball, and lacrosse. He is a faculty advisor for the Upper School Black Male Forum. 

Prior to working at Park, Edwin worked with children on the autism spectrum and counseled and mentored young men in Baltimore City. He was also coaching at Park for many years before he joined the faculty. Edwin received his bachelor’s in social work from Morgan State University.Ā 

“I’d like to start my own mental health practice with a focus on transracial adoption.”
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Edwin Gordon ’04
Counseling Instructor
At Park since 2022
Park Class of 2004
Contact Info
Morgan State University BSW