Brian Vaught

Lower School Physical Education

Brian teaches Lower School Physical Education to third through fifth grade students, and he coaches soccer in the fall and lacrosse in the spring. 

Before coming to Park, Brian most recently served as the Manager of Athletics, Health & Safety in Baltimore City Public Schools, and as a Middle School Health and Physical Education teacher prior to that. Brian was also previously Director of Athletics at The Odyssey School and at Calvert School, and has coached Middle and Upper School athletics teams. 

Brian holds a B.S. in Health Science from Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania, and an M.S. in Athletic Training from West Virginia University. He is on the faculty for the Maryland State Athletic Directors Association-Leadership Training Institute and has presented on topics in athletics at numerous state and local workshops and conferences.

“I love the outdoors and I am an avid sports fan!”
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Brian Vaught
Lower School Physical Education
At Park since 2023
Slippery Rock University of Pennsylvania B.S. in Health Science
West Virginia University M.S. in Athletic Training