Amy Benson

Lower School Math Specialist

As the Lower School Math Specialist, Amy works with teachers, students, and faculty to support the Lower School math program.

Amy has an extensive background in supporting math instruction, in higher education, and in working with Lower School grades. She worked in elementary education for 19 years as a second grade teacher, an Ed Specialist, an Assistant Principal, and a Lower School Head. She also spent four years working in higher education, most recently as an affiliate instructor in education at Loyola University and an instructor in psychology at Anne Arundel Community College. 

Amy holds a B.A. in English from University of Mary Washington in Virginia, an M.A. in Education, Administration, and Supervision from Loyola University, an M.A. in Applied Developmental Psychology from University of Maryland, Baltimore County, and an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership and Management from Drexel University.

“I have two children, two dogs, and I enjoy spending time by the water — crabbing and kayaking.”
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Amy Benson
Lower School Math Specialist
At Park since 2023
University of Mary Washington in Virginia B.A. in English
Loyola University M.A. in Education, Administration, and Supervision
University of Maryland, Baltimore County M.A. in Applied Developmental Psychology
Drexel University Ed.D. in Educational Leadership and Management