Alicia Grothmann
First Grade HomeroomAlicia is a first grade homeroom teacher, where she and her first graders “create a safe, warm, positive classroom community where we learn, play, discover, and explore.”
Alicia leads Destination Imagination teams and serves on the Admission Committee to host and work with children applying to Park.
Before coming to Park, Alicia taught Kindergarten, first, and second grades in the Baltimore City Public School system.
Alicia has a B.A. in Psychology with a minor in Family Studies from James Madison University, and a master’s of Teaching in Early Childhood and Elementary Education from Johns Hopkins University. She is the parent of two Park School students in the Classes of 2027 and 2029.
“I love the beach, cooking with my two daughters, and going on long walks with friends. Another favorite is finding wonderful new picture books to read to my first graders.”