Pre-K-3rd Grade Park Connects Human Sexuality Workshop
Park Connects Sexuality Workshop for
Pre-K- 3rd Grade Parents/Guardians
Wednesday, April 2 • 6 – 7:30 p.m.
Middle School Commons
Forget “The Talk”! Nurturing sexually healthy children and teens is an ongoing process that begins at birth. While seemingly daunting and mysterious to many, it’s actually quite straight forward and calls on the same awareness and skills you already possess! Come and learn about the five universal nurturing needs of children, the five corresponding roles for adults, how all of that applies to sexuality, and how 30+ years of research demonstrates that speaking early and often with your kids safeguards their health.
Don’t miss this unique opportunity to get together with other Park parents and Human Sexuality Educator Debbie Roffman.
Dinner and Childcare provided.
RSVP below by March 31