Park Connects Pre-K-2nd Grade
Park Connects Parents Discussion for Pre-K–Grade 2
Tuesday, October 1 • 6:30-7:30 p.m. • Middle School Commons
Our Park Connects Parent Discussion sessions have a new format this year! Members of the counseling and health team will be present at the start of the gathering to introduce themselves, recommend some talking points, and briefly answer questions about age-related topics. A trained parent Park Connects facilitator will guide the remainder of the discussion, where parents will have the opportunity to bring up new topics and share insights and ideas.
Lower School Counselor Amy Ancona will join the beginning of the session on October 1, and has provided suggestions for conversation topics below for parents to consider.
Don’t miss this opportunity to connect with fellow Park parents!
Park Connects programming supports the health and well-being of your child by fostering mutual support and productive communication among parents. Learn more about Park Connects here.
Childcare and dinner available
Resources for PreK-2 Parent Discussion: Suggestive Topics/Resources
How to Build Resilience in Children
- Raising A Kid Who Can by Dr. Heather Tedesco. Dr. Tedesco is a licensed Applied Psychologist who works exclusively with parents to help kids thrive while making parenting less stressful, more effective and more enjoyable.
- TED Talk on Grit by Angela Lee Duckworth and the power of perseverance and passion.
- Article titled Resilience Guide for Parents and Teachers.
How to manage the Power Struggle at home with young children
Article: How “Two Great Choices” Prevents Power Struggles
Parenting Expert
Dr. Becky Kennedy at The Good Inside (instagram @drbeckyatgoodinside)