Community Agreement
The Park School of Baltimore
Community Agreement – Policies Related to the COVID-19 Pandemic
2021 – 2022 and 2022 – 2023
As a Park community, we recognize that the decisions we make individually have an impact on both the physical safety and the social and emotional well-being of every member of the school. In keeping with our philosophy, we believe it is important for students, families, and employees to demonstrate positive expectations and to uphold community norms that promote the health and well-being of all. Our collective goal is to keep our community safe. Therefore, we recognize and accept our shared responsibility in achieving that goal.
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Park School has implemented protocols that require students, families, and employees to adhere to certain practices to protect the health and safety of all community members. The school expects all students, families, and employees to support those practices at school, at home, and beyond. The school will continue to monitor current conditions and expert and governmental recommendations, and will modify expectations as needed, including implementing additional measures if necessary.
Therefore, we understand the importance of and agree to create and maintain continuity between school and home and the greater community, consistently reinforcing efforts to promote healthy choices and proven practices to limit any potential COVID-19 exposure and transmission.
All community members must commit to:
Following all on-campus protocols, including:
- Completing and submitting the COVID-19 exposure survey through Magnus Health every morning prior to entering Park buildings or participating in school activities. Temperature readings are required.
- Following the school’s masking guidelines. (Note: Guidelines may change over time; there may be different expectations for vaccinated and unvaccinated community members. All community members should carry a face covering with them.)
- Maintaining at least a three-foot distance from community members in congregate settings.
- Washing hands frequently — including before eating, after bathroom use, and when putting on face covering. Hand sanitizer can be substituted when a sink is not available.
- As part of our shared responsibility, encouraging other community members to adhere to these agreements and, if needed, informing the school if concerns arise that a community member is not complying with the stated agreements.
Students who cannot comply with these expectations may be asked to stay home. Employees who cannot comply with these expectations will be addressed by their supervisor according to school policy.
Adhering to all community-wide guidelines, including:
- Continuing to follow the measures outlined by Maryland Department of Health, the CDC, and/or Park School leadership to reduce the spread of the virus, including masking as recommended, staying home when ill, practicing physical distancing outside of the home, and frequently washing hands.
- Explaining to my child the requirement of using face coverings, washing hands frequently, and following other preventative hygiene measures while on Park’s campus, at home, and in the community.
- Practicing these measures prior to my child coming to campus.
- Completing and submitting information about symptoms through Magnus Health, including temperature readings before school, and keeping my child — and, if a Park employee, myself — at home when sick.
- Notifying the school nurse when my child is sick — and, if a Park employee, notifying when I am sick.
- Notifying the school nurse as soon as my child has tested positive for the virus that causes COVID-19, I have tested positive (Park employees), or that we have been exposed to a person who is confirmed to have COVID-19 (all families).
- Recognizing the importance of contact tracing and cooperating with either the Baltimore County Health Department and/or Park School’s efforts to conduct contact tracing, as a result of possible exposure.
- Contacting my physician when my child is showing COVID-like symptoms, and testing when recommended.
- Responding in a timely manner to any calls, requests, or updates from Park regarding the health of my child, including picking up my ill child within 60 minutes of being notified by the school.
- Avoiding gatherings and events where proper physical distancing and mask wearing are not practiced as recommended by the CDC.
- Evaluating any activities or programs that children and employees are engaged in outside of Park to determine whether the protocols in place support the efforts we are making in our community — and refraining from activities where standards or practices are not consistent with our own. This applies to any athletic teams and leagues, arts pursuits, clubs, and other activities that students or employees are engaged in.
- Receiving the seasonal flu vaccine (by October 31st, 2021) and vaccination for COVID-19 when eligible.
- As part of our shared responsibility, encouraging other community members to adhere to these agreements and, if needed, informing the school if concerns arise that a community member is not complying with the stated agreements.
- Working in partnership with the school in order to keep our community safe.
We must work together as a community. Failure to comply with these protocols, or additional measures deemed necessary, may put members of the Park community at greater risk to contract and/or spread COVID-19. As such, the school will address any failure to comply by either limiting or prohibiting an individual’s access to campus and, in extreme cases, separating an individual or a family from the school community. Each member of the Park School community shares responsibility for the health and safety of all.
This policy is included in the 2021-2022 Parent and Employee Handbooks.
*These agreements were created with the guidance of the Maryland Department of Health Response to Outbreak (updated August 28, 2020).