Bus Guidelines

Good communication between the Park School, our students, and their families is important to the success of an orderly and efficient transportation operation. The following guidelines have been developed to inform you of what you can expect from the Transportation Department, and what the School needs from you to run smoothly. Please take a few minutes to read over these guidelines and discuss them with your child(ren).

Park School’s Responsibilities

Parents’ Responsibilities

Students’ Responsibilities

Weather Emergency Policy

Our goal is to safely get your children to and from school. Roads that may be passable for cars may not be passable for buses. On snowy mornings, the decision to provide one of the following services will be made:

The morning snow route will be used on especially snowy or icy mornings. The children of those families affected will not be picked up at their home, but at a close intersection with better accessibility for buses. The snow route will not be used in the afternoon, because we need to be assured that our younger students will be met by a responsible adult.

The decision regarding morning buses is made after weather reports are reviewed and after a drive around the immediate vicinity of the school, and will be posted by 6 a.m. on the front page of the website,Ā www.parkschool.netĀ , and on the weather phone line, 410-339-4141. Information will include which of the above five options are in effect. Bus information will not be available on television or radio.

The decision regarding afternoon transportation is made by 2 p.m. Information about afternoon transportation will be posted on the front page of the website, www.parkschool.net, and on the weather phone line, 410-339-4141.

Park staff will supervise students until they can be picked up.