Parents’ Association Initiatives and Events
The Parents’ Association (PA) supports community engagement in a wide variety of ways that benefit parents, students and the school, as detailed below. All PA events are open to all Park School families, and many are also open to the greater Park School community and the general public. In addition to these major PA-sponsored events and activities, the Parents’ Association and Grade Representatives may add programming and parent engagement activities throughout the year which will be communicated in the Park Bulletin and through monthly emails from Grade Representatives. Please see the 2024-25 calendar below.
Parents’ Association 2024-25 Calendar
SEPTEMBER 6 17 27 | New Parent Welcome Breakfast PA Grade Rep Kick-off and Happy Hour PA School Spirit + Pep Rally | 8:15 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 3:15–5 p.m. |
OCTOBER 5 5 8 9 18 23 26 28 31 | Bruins Run Saturday in the Park School Picture Day (MS/US) School Picture Day (LS) PA Community Service Event: Art with a Heart PA Fundraiser (California Pizza Kitchen) Bruins Run (rain date) Saturday in the Park (rain date) Coffee + Donuts Pre-Halloween Parade | 11–11:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m. 8 a.m.–4 p.m. 8 a.m.–4 p.m. 10 a.m.–Noon 11 a.m.–10 p.m. 11–11:30 a.m. 11:30 a.m.–2:30 p.m. 8:30–10 a.m. |
NOVEMBER 13 14 20 21 | All School Picture Make-up Day (Retakes + Siblings) All Parent Happy Hour + New Parent Welcome (MW Tavern) PA Fundraiser (Pizza Blitz) PA Parent Programming | 7:30-11 a.m. 7–9 p.m. 4–8 p.m. 8:30 a.m.–1 p.m. |
DECEMBER 4 5 8 | PA Fundraiser (La Food Marketa) PA Community Service Event: Weekend Backbacks Gingerbread House Decorating Event | Noon–8 p.m. 9–11 a.m. 1–3 p.m. |
JANUARY 23 | An Evening of Magic with Spencer Horsman ’04 | 7 p.m. |
FEBRUARY 4 10 22 | PA Community Service Event (Paul’s Place) A Conversation with Civil Rights Activist Sybil Jordan Hampton, Ed.D. Family Bingo | 10 a.m.–Noon 7 p.m. Noon–4 p.m. |
MARCH 1 4 11 | Family Bingo (snow date) PA Parent Programming PA Parent Programming | Noon–4 p.m. 6:30–8:30 p.m. 6:30–8:30 p.m. |
APRIL 24 | PA Community Service Event | 9 a.m.– Noon. |
MAY 2 9 16 19 30 | PA Parent Programming May Day May Day (rain date) PA Grade Rep Planning + Orientation PA Closing Meeting and Activity | 6:30–8:30 p.m. 11 a.m. 11 a.m. 7 p.m. 8:15 a.m. |
Please note: All dates and locations are subject to change. Please confirm dates on the Park School calendar or website prior to attending.
Parents’ Association Initiatives
Saturday in the Park | Park School families and friends are invited to a community-wide fall festival on the school campus to build connections and friendships and enjoy a variety of activities, including arts and crafts, music, games, treats, canoeing, moonbounces, and more! Newly-enrolled families are especially encouraged to attend, as this is a great opportunity to engage with the community early in the fall. |
New Parent Support | The PA assists the Admission Office with events throughout the year, including Open Houses, receptions and orientations for prospective, newly accepted, and enrolled families, and with phone calls and other outreach to families who are new to Park. |
New Parent Breakfast | This is an opportunity for parents new to Park to meet each other, PA representatives, administrators, and staff at a social and informational function at the beginning of the academic year. |
May Day | The PA assists with the activities included in May Day, a traditional Lower School celebration and school festival. Highlights include a Maypole dance by graduating fifth graders, songs, games, activities, treats, and picnic lunches. |
School Picture Day | Students’ pictures are taken individually and by class (for Lower School students) in the fall. Picture packages may be selected and purchased by parents, with proceeds supporting PA initiatives and events. |
Fundraising | Bingo, School Pictures, restaurant nights, and sales of Park magnets, stickers, and other items— the PA sponsors all of these activities, and more, to raise money for Park programs and events, the PA Grant Fund, and other contributions to the school. |
Grant Fund | The PA funds some student- and faculty-driven new initiatives in conjunction with the needs and priorities of the school. For example, initiatives supported by the fund last year included 6th Grade Tech, Jewish Canadian Youth Model United Nations (JCYMUN), the Lower School Organic Garden, new costumes for the Fifth Grade Winter Solstice, and the US Civil Rights Trip. |
Park Connects | A school-wide program designed to promote the well-being of our students and to help reduce the risk factors that contribute to unhealthy behaviors. In Park Connects’ Parent Networking Groups, trained parent facilitators lead discussion groups once or twice a year at each grade level. Parents are encouraged to share their ideas, experiences, and concerns to promote better understanding and awareness. The parent chairs of Park Connects sit on the PA Board. The Park Connects program also offers parent education workshops throughout the year hosted by the Park Health and Counseling Team. |
Ellen Small Speaker Series | The PA hosts a series of programs and seminars featuring invited guest speakers on topics of parenting, child development, and other topics of interest to parents and caregivers. |
Resident Scholar | For over 40 years, the Resident Scholar program has brought distinguished scholars and artists to Park so that Upper School students can explore current ideas relating to academic disciplines. Funded in part by a grant from the PA, the program involves a presentation to the Upper School student body followed by a day of in-depth seminars in the scholar’s area of expertise. |
Community Service | The PA supports and enhances school efforts related to ongoing, meaningful community service projects and provides parents and families opportunities to engage in community service activities throughout the year. |
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion | The PA Board encourages, supports, and enhances the school’s initiatives related to matters of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) in partnership with Akira Townes, Director of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion. |
Faculty and Staff Appreciation | The Parents’ Association provides lunch or treats to Park’s faculty and staff on some professional days throughout the year as a thank you. |
Grade Level Gatherings and Social Events | These events play an important role in building a sense of community and educating families. Socials offer parents and families an opportunity to connect with others who can help them with information, advice, and friendship. Parents enjoy renewing previous acquaintances and making new ones. |
Parent Happy Hour and Engagement Activities | The PA hosts periodic, informal gatherings as a way of building community. These gatherings may be simply for conversation and the exchange of ideas, or may include activities led by interested parents such as hikes, yoga, or community service activities. These gatherings help parents to get to know one another and the PA and help the PA identify interested volunteers. |
Opening Meeting/Closing Meeting | The first and last formal meetings of the Parents’ Association each year provide an opportunity for parents and caregivers to get to know one another and the PA, and all are encouraged to attend. The opening meeting in the fall includes a budget review and community activity, and in the spring, parents gather for breakfast, vote for the new slate of officers, and participate in a community activity together. |