Sam Farmer

Upper School English

Sam teaches English in the Upper School. Some of his courses include The Wild West: A Literary Exploration of American Violence, Vigilantism, and Self-Determination; You Can’t Go Home Again: The Exile in Contemporary World Literature; Writing Workshop: Short Fiction; and Rebel Yell: The Collapse and Revival of the American South.

After college, Sam worked as a staff writer for a small Ohio newspaper. He then returned to Maryland and began his teaching career at the Queen Anne School in Prince George’s County. He taught English and math to middle and high school students, and coached basketball and baseball. Sam then moved to Jemicy’s Upper School and was there for 11 years, teaching English and involving himself in many opportunities. “I served as the English department chair for more than eight years; I coached varsity men’s basketball (earning the school its first MIAA wins), and served as an assistant coach for the men’s soccer team; I directed and supervised student-written theater productions; I inaugurated a school literary magazine, a school newspaper, and an independent study program for the humanities.”

Sam holds a B.A. from Kenyon College with a concentration in Creative Writing and an emphasis in the Integrated Program for Humane Studies. In addition to his newspaper publications, he has been published in the Chesapeake Music Guide and the Bay Journal.

“I’m married to Lydia Farmer, who teaches at Greenspring Montessori, and we have two kids, Cody and Des, who attend that school.“
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Sam Farmer
Upper School English
At Park since 2022
Kenyon College B.A. in Creative Writing