Elizabeth Fisk

Upper School Science

Elizabeth teaches Upper School science focusing on biology, chemistry, and environmental science. She is one of the advisors of the International Student-led Arctic Monitoring and Research (ISAMR) activity.

Elizabeth worked at the Marine Biological Laboratory between her undergraduate and graduate degrees studying climate change and the effects on forest ecosystems for both trees and soil. She holds a B.S. in Environmental Science from Dickinson College and an M.S in Marine-Estuarine and Environmental Science from the University of Maryland. Some of her presentations and publications (under the name de la Reguera, E.) include:


  • de la Reguera, E., K. Gedan, M. Palmer, K Tully. December 2019. The carbon storage potential of coastal farmlands experiencing saltwater intrusion. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. 
  • de la Reguera, E., K. Gedan, M. Palmer, K Tully. December 2019. The effect of saltwater intrusion on the spatial inaccessibility of carbon in coastal agricultural fields. American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting. San Francisco, CA. 
  • de la Reguera, E., K. Gedan, K. Tully. November 2019. Abandon, Restore, Adapt: Farming in the Face of Sea Level Rise and Saltwater Intrusion. ASA, CSSA and SSSA International Annual Meetings. San Antonio, TX.

Peer-reviewed Publications

  • de la Reguera E, KL Tully. 2021. Farming carbon: The link between saltwater intrusion and carbon storage in coastal agricultural fields. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment. 314: 107416.
  • de la Reguera E, J Veatch, K Gedan, KL Tully. 2020. The effects of saltwater intrusion on germination success of standard and alternative crops. Environmental and Experimental Botany. 180: 104254.
  • Castner EA, AM Leach, N Leary, J Baron, JE Compton, JN Galloway, MG Hastings, J Kimiecik, J Lantz-Trissel, E de la Reguera, R Ryals. 2017. The Nitrogen Footprint Network: A Multi-Institution Program to Reduce Nitrogen Pollution. Sustainability: The Journal of Record. 10(2): 79-88.
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Elizabeth Fisk
Upper School Science
At Park since 2020
Dickinson College B.S. in Environmental Science
University of Maryland, College Park M.S. in Marine-Estuarine Environmental Science