Debbie Roffman

Human Sexuality and Health Educator and Park Connects

A nationally renowned expert and published author in the field of sexuality education, Debbie has been a faculty member at Park since 1975. She has taught sexuality education for Grades 3 through 12, and currently focuses on Lower School students, teachers, and parents.

She is a founding member of Park’s Health Team, as well as a co-creator of and facilitator for the Park Connects program.

Debbie has published widely in professional journals and the lay press, and has written three books for parents and teachers, plus a new book especially for younger children. She has spoken at dozens of local, regional, and national independent school conferences and hundreds of other independent schools around the country. She is an Associate Editor of the American Journal of Sexuality Education and an Advisory Board Member for the Sexuality Ed Lecture Series, which provides professional development programs on a weekly basis for Sexuality Educators across the nation and abroad.

Debbie’s most recent book, The Science of Babies, is a board book for young children and their parents, caretakers, and teachers. Her previously published titles are: Sex and Sensibility: The Thinking Parent’s Guide to Sex; But How Did I Get In There In the First Place?; and Talk to Me First: Everything You Need to Know to Become Your Kids’ “Go-To” Person About Sex.

Debbie has a B.A. in Psychology from Goucher College, and an M.S. in Community Health Education from Towson University.

“My goal, always, is to ‘give away’ everything I’ve been so fortunate to learn about children and adolescents here at Park, which I always describe as a school where the adults are hardly ever afraid of the wrong things — including sexuality education, even for young children.”
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Debbie Roffman
Human Sexuality and Health Educator and Park Connects
At Park since 1975
Goucher College B.A. in Psychology
Towson University M.S. in Community Health Education