Middle School Softball Coach
The Park School Athletic Department is seeking candidates for a part-time assistant coaching position working with the Middle School Softball team (approximately 10 hrs/week).
Devoted to intellectual inquiry, a collaborative spirit of learning, and an appreciation for the diversity of human experience, The Park School of Baltimore is a community founded on positive expectations of our students and respect for individual differences.
We cultivate children’s innate curiosity by nurturing their interests and engaging them as active participants in their own education.
We support young people in becoming confident questioners and responsible citizens of the world.
The Park School is a non-sectarian, independent, gender inclusive day school of 827 students from Pre-Kindergarten through Grade 12. Founded in 1912 as one of the early progressive schools, The Park School continues to practice a distinct educational philosophy. The core values today, as in 1912, are a belief in children’s capacity to love learning, to grow academically and emotionally when inspired by highly qualified, caring teachers, and to develop self-discipline, confidence, and creative problem-solving skills through deep exploration and constant challenge. At every grade level, from Pre-Kindergarten through Upper School, Park actively encourages questioning and conversation as essential elements of the learning process. The school philosophy emphasizes a belief in positive expectations and expects that students, as they mature, will take increasing responsibility for their own learning.
- Coaching and playing experience at the high school and/or collegiate level (preferred)
- Ability to work with and motivate students of all skill levels
- Punctuality at practices and games
- Consistent attendance at practices and games
- Detailed understanding of the principles of a developmental program
- Desire and ability to support the vision and goals of the program
Including but not limited to:
- Supporting school policies, including but not limited to: sportsmanship, integrity, accountability, dedication, and effort
- Maintaining the school’s progressive philosophy throughout the season
- Developing and teaching programmatic systems consistent within the entire baseball program
- Working in association with Athletic Trainer in event of injury
- Planning and managing practices
- Traveling to/from away games with team
- Traveling to/from off-campus practice with team (if applicable)
- Serving as mentor and role model to current students
- Attending parent-coaches preseason meetings and all department orientations/meetings
- Maintaining and exemplifying appropriate conduct towards officials, opposing coaches, and players
Résumé, cover letter, and completed employment application (found here) should be emailed to:
Robin Lowe, Director of Athletics – Girls’ Program
The Park School of Baltimore does not discriminate against employees or applicants for employment on the basis of race, color, national or ethnic origin, religion, ancestry, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, age, marital status, or any physical or mental disability unrelated to a reasonable performance of an employee’s duties.