Get To Know Park Students
Below you’ll find a sampling of real students sharing, in their own words, the ways in which our inspiring faculty and student-centered learning help create engaging experiences, both inside and outside the classroom.

Chris, Grade 9
Discovering yourself is not a one time thing — you do it multiple times throughout your life.
One thing I learned how to do this year was to play bass guitar. There are so many emotions music can convey, and that is so much fun to experiment with. You can feel the grooviness in it, feel the excitement.
Elizabeth, Grade 10
Writing helps you discover who you are.
I play lacrosse. I like to run; and it’s a beautiful sport. You really have to think about other people.
I’m not sure exactly what I want to be when I grow up. But I want to be an agent of change.

Willa, Pre-K
I’m an artist! I’m a builder!
I’m a good friend!
Ethan, Grade 6
One of the things I love about my school is that there is always someone who wants you to be included.
Brandon, GRade 4
Make good friends, listen to the teacher, be yourself, and have lots of questions!
We are working on a big project about Civil Rights activists and I’m studying Jesse Owens.
Berkeley, GRade 2
Math is my specialty. I really like numbers, and solving problems is actually fun!
Jack, Grade 9
I like putting myself in new places, trying to do new things. The more you put yourself out there, the more you learn.
Mercy, Grade 3
To be creative… I think it means to have a lot of inspiration. At Park, creativity is everywhere.
Lauren, Grade 7
I am really passionate about soccer. Something I’ve learned from playing sports is to always be kind to people — it is a good skill to have in school and in life.
I think taking on challenges is really important because it can open a world of new possibilities.
Noah, Grade 11
I’m really enjoying my astronomy and relativity class right now. We have been doing a project on string theory — extremely hard to get our heads around, but it’s really interesting to learn about.
So much interests me about discovering something new.
Ella, Grade 9
To be a Park student is to be outspoken, to be caring, and to be invested in your community.